May 07, 2007 21:38
I COMPLETELY forgot tomorrow is Nina's birthday. *orz orz orz* I could have bought her something from Osakajo, or I could have really really tried to make fudge in my 2 x 3-foot kitchen., I'll make you something nice when you come to Japan. I pwomise.
*deep bow*
I can't believe Golden Week is over. I feel like I'm going back to prison. I don't want to deal with uptight dillweeds asking "so what did you do for Golden Week? So what did you do for Golden Week?" over and over, expecting me to say I went on some wild Thai adventure with all of my long-term lovers or something just as exciting. They know very well I don't have any friends or family or romantic partners here, so why they keep asking me every Tuesday what I did that weekend and replying with a dejected "oh...well...that sounds nice" is completely beyond my reasoning. Ugh.
Maybe one of my students brought me chocolate from somewhere. Again. XD
Okay, I'm off to enjoy more internet while I still have a couple of yen to spare. Later taters!