A good recovery from self-hatred is always welcome...now where did I put it?

Feb 14, 2007 00:56

Hahahahahahahahahahaa! AAAAAAAaaaaahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa!

Yes, that is how I laugh in real life. I add a little bit of fist-pounding or knee-slapping at the end too. Any of you who have met me are envisioning this as you read it.

V-day. Ah. I would have thought it would stand for "Venereal" Day, as I'm sure the spread of sexually transmitted diseases around the world increases exponentially within a 26-hour window this time of year. But this sounds just as good. I don't care how pessimistic I sound; people really need to pull their heads out of their asses once in a while and realize that not all women strive to be blonde, stupid and shacked to some guy to be happy. Not all women who are partnered are necessarily in a good, safe relationship. Sex does not equal happiness, no matter what the producers of "Sex in the City" tell you.

To counterattack against radical feminists who have "hijacked" Valentine's Day and are turning countless of sweet young things on campus into drooling man-haters, the IWF suggests, "Guys: Take women out. Open doors. Buy them flowers. Women: Let guys take you out. If you like a guy, ask him out yourself." THAT'S telling 'em, ladies! Who do those man-hating hairy feminists think they are? You showed them. *pats IWF on the butt*

Sigh... *wipes a tear* That really cheered me up. I won't go into details about my weekend - I feel like I've complained way too much on LJ, and anything I say would only be a recycled rant from several previous situations. To summarize, the dramatic debate between my parents, my decisions and feelings about potential careers, and my self-destructive nature continues, and the fast-approaching date of my departure only adds to my worries. Five more weeks, and that's it. Once I'm there, I'm there, and I'll have to stick it out no matter how bad it gets or I can kiss my sanity goodbye and revert to a vegetative state in a dark, dank underground psychiatric facility where I will rule as queen. I should get in touch with Atsuko and ask if it's cool to visit her family - I really don't see any logic in getting in touch with my own family if things get stressful. As bitchy as it sounds, I kid you not, little solace will come my way. Well, maybe from Mom...but that would only be AFTER she stops out-panicking me.

Speaking of panicking, how much do strawberries, rice, and bananas cost in Japan? I know people stare at foreigners just out of curiousity, but are they really forward about it? I've recently had these horrible mental images of people coming up to me and asking if all Black people are as hideous as I am. "What's wrong with your face? Why does your face look like that?" Will I get shouted at or have thing thrown at me for the way I look? Can I light candles in my bathroom if I've just cooked something for thirty minutes on a gas stove? Is it true they don't have microwave popcorn? Should I stock up on (English) books before I go or just shop around when I get there and hope for the best?

And the panic subsides. For now.

On a side note, someone at work wanted to do a reunion staff party before I leave and I didn't realize the assistant manager wasn't invited before I mentioned it to her. Now it seems everyone has received an e-mail confirming the date of the party except me? Maybe there hasn't actually been another e-mail - this might have just been discussed in person. Either way I'm going to try not to care. I'm ditching this job in two weeks whether I chicken out of going to Japan or not. I told myself I'm done with BS jobs and caring what they all think for that matter, and that's the end of it. From now on I have more important things to deal with.

*pops Return of the King into the Playstation and eats blueberry banana stuffing*
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