okay so teh past few weeks have been full of drama, i just want to get a few things off my chest. everyone and take it the way they want to but i just want to vent
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Ok, im not sure my comments are welcome here but i have to say a few things to defend myself.
First of all, this all managed to steam from an issue with Nicole and myself. That is where is should have stayed. But instead more people got involved in a selfish act of childish revenge and vindication.
More people were hurt and betrayed by "friends" in this instance than any other i have ever seen in this group, or any other group for that fact. I wish things would have been easier but they arent. This has been the biggest downfall of this group yet. Disgusting.
Just because one person is hurt by another, why does everyone have to get involved and hate on the other? What if they have never hurt you, or rather what if you have hurt eachother in the past but were good enough people to get past it and grow up? Move on!
Why do we have to take sides and forget what the "bad guy" must be feeling?
Did any of you stop and think, wow, these girls are really putting Ashley through hell, does she desirve this? Should i make an effort to let her know i till care and i am ADULT enough to not have to take sides.
Of course not, everyone took sides with one another and created more drama, with more people. This is why we are where we are now! Will anyone learn from this instance (If it ever gets fixed?)
I would like to know, Tanya, What is going on between you and I?
Dee, where do you and I stand?
Are we now fighting because of soemthing that you 2 werent even originally involved in? Something that you two had nothing to do with, untill you let your self fall into the spinning bowl of shit.
And so what if so and so fucked so and so?!?! they arent in your life anymore for a reason, get past it, it hurts and its a shot to the ego to know that someone you slep with also slept with your friend. Ive delt with that before and the feelings fade, they arent worth loseing your friends for. Are they?
Any way. Regardless of what is going on between Nicole and I, and apparently Shelly and i (Dont harrass me for bringing you guys up, its my fight i can talk about it all i want) whay does it have to effect the freindship or rather socially accepted friendships we have all made?
I was the reason that you 2 were not invited to either events. I was POSATIVE that there would be drama and since i spent money and planned these evernts (or rather helped to plan) i refused to let petty bullshit ruin a night of awsome fun with a great group. Maybe that was a mistake on my part, maybe i should have given you 2 a better chance, given the benefit of the doubt, but i didnt want to. Yes it is jana and pate's palce, but they did not do the inviting, i did. And as far as dani, or billy, im sure they were just going along with my thought that its better to know we will have a good time with the people we invited than to be afraid of a failure with people who were sketchy.
On end, i am not mad at Dee, Tanya, Shelly, or even Nicole. I am just as hurt as all of you are in this situation. In fact, i believe i may have been attacked a lil more than any of you. But i am a big enough person to try and drop it and move on with my life, there are more important things going on in the world that i want to be a part of than drama between "friends". People are loseing their lives and watching new ones unfold, people are falling in love and falling out of love, those are much more important things than who hates who and what did that whore or bitch do?
Please, regardless of how or when, we need to find a way to salvage what is left of this for the sake of the innocents like Dani, Pate, Tom, Corban and Jason. They are beign hurt so badley and being dragged into this shit storm that they had nothing to do with. Its not fair to them.
Ashley, I appreciate your honesty and I also appreciate how mature you wrote and handled this....I would like to say to you that yeah I was hurt by your actions but I have never been the type to hold a grudge...
I only told Jason he didnt need to bring Nicole and I into this because it was an issue D and Tanya were having with not being invited, Nicole and I could careless about being invited to the party....we do our own thing....had our own plans, but for the record if you would have invited us we would have been civil with out drama....I respect Jana way too much for that
Hey, reality just called, it left a message for ya... "Long time no see, where ya been?!"
There is a thing called cause and effect, while what you read in this particular post was the effect of the cause "D and Tanya not being invited" which was the effect of another cause, which did involve you and Nicole--sorry to inform you, but life doesn't happen in a vacuum--and NO, I don't mean the thing used to clean dirt from carpeting, granted it doesn't happen their either but try not to overwork yourself trying to wrap your head around that one.
First of all, this all managed to steam from an issue with Nicole and myself. That is where is should have stayed. But instead more people got involved in a selfish act of childish revenge and vindication.
More people were hurt and betrayed by "friends" in this instance than any other i have ever seen in this group, or any other group for that fact. I wish things would have been easier but they arent. This has been the biggest downfall of this group yet. Disgusting.
Just because one person is hurt by another, why does everyone have to get involved and hate on the other? What if they have never hurt you, or rather what if you have hurt eachother in the past but were good enough people to get past it and grow up? Move on!
Why do we have to take sides and forget what the "bad guy" must be feeling?
Did any of you stop and think, wow, these girls are really putting Ashley through hell, does she desirve this? Should i make an effort to let her know i till care and i am ADULT enough to not have to take sides.
Of course not, everyone took sides with one another and created more drama, with more people. This is why we are where we are now! Will anyone learn from this instance (If it ever gets fixed?)
I would like to know, Tanya, What is going on between you and I?
Dee, where do you and I stand?
Are we now fighting because of soemthing that you 2 werent even originally involved in? Something that you two had nothing to do with, untill you let your self fall into the spinning bowl of shit.
And so what if so and so fucked so and so?!?! they arent in your life anymore for a reason, get past it, it hurts and its a shot to the ego to know that someone you slep with also slept with your friend. Ive delt with that before and the feelings fade, they arent worth loseing your friends for. Are they?
Any way. Regardless of what is going on between Nicole and I, and apparently Shelly and i (Dont harrass me for bringing you guys up, its my fight i can talk about it all i want) whay does it have to effect the freindship or rather socially accepted friendships we have all made?
I was the reason that you 2 were not invited to either events. I was POSATIVE that there would be drama and since i spent money and planned these evernts (or rather helped to plan) i refused to let petty bullshit ruin a night of awsome fun with a great group. Maybe that was a mistake on my part, maybe i should have given you 2 a better chance, given the benefit of the doubt, but i didnt want to. Yes it is jana and pate's palce, but they did not do the inviting, i did. And as far as dani, or billy, im sure they were just going along with my thought that its better to know we will have a good time with the people we invited than to be afraid of a failure with people who were sketchy.
On end, i am not mad at Dee, Tanya, Shelly, or even Nicole. I am just as hurt as all of you are in this situation. In fact, i believe i may have been attacked a lil more than any of you. But i am a big enough person to try and drop it and move on with my life, there are more important things going on in the world that i want to be a part of than drama between "friends". People are loseing their lives and watching new ones unfold, people are falling in love and falling out of love, those are much more important things than who hates who and what did that whore or bitch do?
Please, regardless of how or when, we need to find a way to salvage what is left of this for the sake of the innocents like Dani, Pate, Tom, Corban and Jason. They are beign hurt so badley and being dragged into this shit storm that they had nothing to do with. Its not fair to them.
I only told Jason he didnt need to bring Nicole and I into this because it was an issue D and Tanya were having with not being invited, Nicole and I could careless about being invited to the party....we do our own thing....had our own plans, but for the record if you would have invited us we would have been civil with out drama....I respect Jana way too much for that
There is a thing called cause and effect, while what you read in this particular post was the effect of the cause "D and Tanya not being invited" which was the effect of another cause, which did involve you and Nicole--sorry to inform you, but life doesn't happen in a vacuum--and NO, I don't mean the thing used to clean dirt from carpeting, granted it doesn't happen their either but try not to overwork yourself trying to wrap your head around that one.
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