Jan 25, 2009 13:06
So here is my latest endeavors... sadly, its all i do ANYWAY!
I put Win7 on my laptop. Since my problems stemmed from things specific to my desktop, i figured hy not give it a try here ya know? And what do ya know... works great. As i have said before... i was quite happy with the speed and all the imprivements. I was even able to find a picture of Tampa for my wallpaper.
Im also still doing second life... i absolutely love the trance music and i have foud some places with actual DJs from europe. The music cant get much better than that... now i just need to find a good classic rock place! I will say though, good people to talk to are few and far between... maybe its because they see my character as new (since i am infact new). I found the login for my old character (real old) and maybe i will use that one instead...
anyone have any ideas?
second life,
windows 7