Aug 22, 2004 08:45
chlamydia and syphilis died yesterday. im a horrible, horrible person if i talk about animal rights and dont eat meat because i dont believe in such things when i cant even keep a freaking hermit crab alive. i felt so bad.
they was out of their shells, and it was the CREEPIEST looking thing ive ever seen. so i put it in a little box and me and lisa grabbed a shovel and went in my backyard. i started digging, lisa asked if i planned on burying it 6 feet deep because i wouldnt stop digging. i said, yes. and i lied. i buried it pretty deep, then madea make-shift cross and me and lisa sung amazing grace, hahahhaa. it was hilarious.
so then jen kimmy and mike came over. jen found out and reminded me that pet co takes returns, so i was excited. looked at lisa in glee and yelled, lets go dig up my crabs. and ran away. hahah. i got it and put them back in the box covereed in dirt. we drove to pet co after fucking around in the cars and hiding from mike and lisa. and i walked in to return it.
i walked up to this girl and said, "my crabs died" she gave me a weird look and opened the box. she looked at me and said im sorry for your loss, i told her it was okay cuz i only had them for a couple days. she gave me an absurd look and asked if i bathed them. thinking she jumped to conclusions and assumed that i drowned my crabs i said, NO OF COURSE NOT!, she looked at me in disarry and said, WELL THATS WHY!! YOURE SUPPOSED TO BATHE THEMM!..i felt horrible. she gave me an odd look and said that she was going to go get me a sheet on how to take care of them, seeing as i didnt know im supposed to bathe the crabs *shrug* i got a new one. and i toted him around all night. came home to put him in his new home when i heard my lil sis start yelling, hers died too. i asked if she bathed it, she said no, i proceeded to yell at her and make her read the sheet. she said she didnt want it (her other one) anymore. (she refused to pick it up in the first place) so i took her larger cage and her crab. which is cool, cuz i only had one, so then i had two, its not as fun to say i have a crab as it is to say i have crabs. as in plural, two or more. tehee. also, apparently theyre supposed to live for 20 YEARS, i didnt even have mine 20 days.poor little fuckers are screwed.
at some point during the night me and kimmy went to go see if bets was working. stopped at a red light this car pulls up next to us. and these guys keep looking in our car, CREEPY. one of them yells, YOU HAVE SOMETHING HANGING OUT YOUR CAR DOOR at me, sure enough, it was my zebra print scarf. i thanked them, rolled my head over to kim, laughing, and said, GOOOOO. but it was a red light. i heard on eof them yell, WHATS IN THE BOX!? A MOUSE!? no i replied, i have crabs. they laughed and i looked over at kim again and told her to GOOOOOO once again red light, so i just look at kim laughing and they start making faces at us. it was too funny. that was the longest light EVER.