
Aug 24, 2005 05:39

Title: Nepenthe
Author: Dim Aldebaran
Rating: PG-13ish
Characters: Holly, allusions to Artemis.
Challenge: Green (18)
Word Count: 100
Summary: ...and at the Moulin Rouge, one can die as many times as needed.
Notes: HA! 100 words EXACTLY! And Toulouse-Loutrec inspired, too.

The Moulin Rouge, and its ruddy shadows; its dream of Lilith; its chalice of Death’s own wine-

Too long a time apart, too short-? She knew not, only that the parting had been jade despair.

The first sip, she had killed a man, and had wished to die for a time.

Then, the desk job, for death was sweeter when graced by the green god.

And now: she had killed again. It had been different, somehow: perhaps it had been those cool blue eyes, so different from this peridot fever.

Staring into the Byzantium shadows, she sipped her nepenthe.
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