There's Nowhere To Go But On

Jul 14, 2010 02:11

50 images, censored stuff, mild cusses.

Been a while, eh? I got sucked into Mass Effect. Delicious. But now I pine for ME2, and I'm going to wait like, three to six months until it goes on sale. :( I also got sucked in by the siren song of Sims 3, with everyone playing it again and showing off. Luckily I pulled out before it destroyed my computer, like it did last time >:(

Anyway, I've been sort of worn out on these guys, but it's still fun to recount their adventures.

So gorgeous.

Oops. I didn't put Fidelia or Quincy through Uni since they didn't have enough money to qualify for private school when they rolled the wants. When they finally did have enough money, Fidelia and Quincy were a day from aging, and wouldn't even spend a day in private school. I didn't feel that really was good enough, but Fidelia had the want so... crazies. I don't think she had a job LTW, either. Oh geez. I never mentioned she was knowledge, huh? Need to get around to doing those stats shots, too. Durrrh self.

Quincy wants to screw every woman he comes upon and didn't really care about them higher learnin's.

Fidelia: *sob* I"m a failure!
You're barely, like, 19. There are so many more years to potentially fail, er, succeed!

Man, that's the cheapest apartment I've ever heard of. But it's necessary since Quincy moved out with just the clothes on his back. (Using Maranatah's Rat's Pit Apartments)

Apparently it is lesbian o'clock?

I was hoping it was hot mans o'clock, since we're searching for a spouse for Fidelia.
Pooklet's Edgar Pribble.

stakeit_uk's King Bee sim, Lipschitz Underwood.

Despite all this partying, Fidelia just never really warmed to anyone. :/

Annemarie: Man, that time at the park was amazing!

Annemarie: I'd say it was record breaking!
Bora: Oh god, I can't believe I'm hearing this.

I'm sure this represents Fide's difficult growing up experiences. She's so ~tormented~


She has maintained a sweet spot for Richard Embry, her high school sweetheart?
Rich: Remember when we were teens? Man, you were almost as good as your sister! You were my first time, y'know?
Fidelia: Oh yeah, that was awesome :DD

jenji_sims's Haydar in the background. She liked him, but not enough apparently.
She just can't get enough of Rich though >:(

smustleparty's Kimi Candle (queen bee challenge)


radiationpoison's Breno Booth, Queen Bee challenge (guess I took these when the challenge was bloody everywhere and everyone was doing it).

Er, enjoying the show?
bondchick_nett's Pearlie, and uhm, I can't remember who the guy is :/

bondchick_nett's Kendall Cullen-Newton.

I still can't remember who he is :/
That's bondchick_nett's Elspeth in the foreground.


Ivan's totally heterosexual previous date recommended skittledboxes Richard for a blind date. Sure!

He's been sitting in the Uni bin for a while, so this is all pretty overwhelming I bet.

He's game though :3

Yay! She, of course, rolled the 20 Lovers want next. Arg.

So many autonomous affairs in my hood!
smustleparty's Lien Candle (another queen bee sim)

I decided to try fulfilling Carbon's next LTW as well, but she kept running into ex-lovers.

Theresea turned down the stalking a bit. Now she just stalks him on community lots.

Ivan, dont' you know appeasing is a dirty, dirty thing?

Ivan and Carbon have created so many unbalanced people.

Whoring has it's benefits!

jbruntz's Daz, and stakeit_uk's Cruz.

Cruz: HALP I'm being cheated on!
Daz: YES! My turn, my turn!

It was about here that I gave up to focus on Ivan's LTW.
Also, for some reason Kendall came with fangs apparently? He's always got little blue fangs following him around.


Man, the dad could be anyone! Only I know! >:D

I've never seen this before. "Far away greet," I think it was called. It should've been the huffy "I haet u" greet.


LTW just in time, huh?

Ivan still rocks, no doubt.

I think the hardest, or longest at least, part of this whole process is scrounging up all the sims and who they belong to. There really needs to be a queen bee filter on pt or something, I spent several hours searching all over for these guys. Ugh.
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