Alrighty :D I am refreshed and rejuvinated!
Friday train back home was rather stressful. I was petrified I was going to miss my rain at 6:45pm, semi jogged/power walked down to the station adorned with my bag o' stuff and the laptop. Made it there just in time only to discover thaaaaat... the train was delayed by 15 minutes. Oh well, 15 minutes of well needed recovery time. Turns out that the virgin train from Edinburgh down south terminates at Bournemouth too. Excellent, so it's not too detrimental should I happen to fall asleep on board :D
But yaah, it was kinda crowded, I managed to snag a seat and the guy next to me happened to be getting off at Basingstoke - the next stop after Reading - sscooore. So I sorta spread out and took a kip and phoned when I got to Southampton so dad came and picked me up at B'mouth <3
Yayz~ 8D Dog was happy to see me, I have a special place in dogs heart! Allegedly she's been sleeping under my bed (not on it, surprisingly :o ) But homg she woke me up yesterday morning with all her whining 'cause I'd moved my bedside chair and she couldn't jump up on my bed Dx (it's a tall one! With draws under it and the like) so in my half asleep stupor I sort of ended up somehow fishing the dog up onto the bed at which point she stfu and fell asleep again on my feet. NORMALITY IS RESTORED.
Sooo, saturday morning I went down to Poole with mom and dad we bought me a new phone :3 since my old one is busted, it's survived going through the wash and several years of use (it's a hand me down ; ; ) but it finally kicked the bucket last week, so now I have something like this:
Which is raaather nice :D Much nicer then my old one anyway lol :3 Number is still the same as before! I spent the afternoon and evening with Charlotte, Azzy, Rebecca, Phil and Toby (occasionally when he appeared from nowhere) I nicked what turned out to be my sisters camera before I left the house, it was the first one I found D:
From left to right, Charlotte, Azzy (looking very unflattering in this photo, I must say), Phil and Rebecca, this is the serious benefit of being the camera holder, I have a legit reason for not being in any of the photos, wewt :3 Charlie and I went to Poole beforehand and ended up stealing Azzy away from work and making a quick getaway, we popped past Becky's house and as luck should have it, Phil was around xD and the door was open! So... we just... dawdled in :D Well, Azzy jumped in with something along the lines of "NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!" but the rest of us just dawdled.
I'm proud of this photo I'll have you know. If anyone has ever seen my photo-taking-skills before, they probably have an idea of how much I suck at taking photos. I can make pictures blurry and out of focus even with all these "auto" settings that cameras seem to have now. BUT THIS ONE >:O You may notice the jaunty angle this photo is at! That would be because Charlotte in the foreground was trying to skewer my face on her crutch whilst I was taking a photo. So I managed to ninja myself out of the way of said face-impaling-crutch, take a photo and still manage to get everyone in focus! EPIC SKILLZ >:O
We went to see Ratatouille, or however the hell you spell it, at Tower Park, somehow we always end up seeing kids films when we go otu :D Hurray! To kill time before the film started we went and messed around in the arcade and ate super unhealthy food from Asda, like... gingerbread men (which I finished off this morning over a mug of (proper <3) coffee) cakey things, chocolatey things and a carton of Tropicana (with bits in). Because we are oh so civilised.
After the film we ended up wandering outside over to Sydney, then promptly jacking around for 30 minutes or so before we actually made any progress with getting anywhere :D And yes. That is a picture of my car wheel. I DON'T KNOW WHY IT'S THERE EITHER D: But hot damn Sydney (yes, my car has a name, Phil's is called Jaeger 2 and Sydney is far superior to him (and newer :3)) looks really clean in these photos :D
Phil and Azzy gave Sydney the once over and commented on all the dents in the front bumper. WHICH I DID NOT CAUSE ANY OF FYI D: but I did point out the dent I made in the read bumper. Tree appeared out of freakin' no where I tell you D:So I did the logical thing and grabbed my camera and snapped a
black-mailish picture. GOOD JOB ALICE :D That'll learn you to sit on my bonnet k >:O Then Phil and Azzy proceeded to yell and me to drop the clutch and take off the handbrake. After some shouting I did, and they proceeded to push me backwards out of my parking space. Um... alright chaps @_@ whatever floats your boat. I drove off before they could push me forwards too :3
Laa dee daaah~ took Charlie back home, had some deep and meaningful chat on the way back, which is secretly the only reason I wanted to take you home so adamantly ;D don't take it personally. Finally the radio decided to play some music I could sing along too so I sung myself back home as per normal xD. Good fun evening!
Back to Uni tonight. Eeep ; ; Farmer Country is far superior to Reading at the moment, I wanna stay down here in deepest darkest Dorset XD