osnap I'm on a roll. I've made and coded up a layout for my own subdomain now :D It was just gonna be a portal site like
Laura's is but I honestly really like the layout I made (I'm proud of it! First none-lazy-iFrame layout in a looong time) so now I feel like I should come up with something to waffle about on it!
I was so stuck for things to theme it on and nobody was really very helpful at all D:
☆~Aeyze says:
what layout for my website ; ; I dunnooooo
8people says:
NO MATTER THOUGH >:O I've been playing too much World of Warcraft lately, so I found a pretty screenshot of the Exodar, one of the alliance cities (which is actually a crashed ship, hence the name of the thing) which is a rather scenic spot in my opinion, Iydo is Draenei so she's from that area anyway! There, it all links in! Plus I like the colour purple and the screenshot I rummaged around and found was a nice big resolution >:3
But yaaay~ now my own spot of the domain has a nice layout, it's just a matter of thinking about what sort of stuff I could put in there xD.
SO on top of that, my crowning achievement of the day, I also managed to forget to take Claire's gym bag when I went to pick her up to take her to said gym, pretty much making it a dud journey in the first place :D and I had to deal with the farrier redoing the ponies shoes. Pony was most un-co-operative and wouldn't stand still and kept leaning on mister farrier man D: thanks pony. Oh yah and she decided to use me as a scratching post. Thats not too bad normally, not so good when she's in the process of loosing her summer coat. Her coat is really dusty