Nov 21, 2005 22:56
I didn't really feel like going into this at all but I realize some need to know where I've been the last few months. Let me summarize as briefly yet completly as possible in that length.
Mom got caught having affair at work and lost job.
We're told this has been going on for a year due to 22 years of unhappy marriage.
New car check engine light...
Nonstop back and forth on whether family can make a go if it or not for 9 weeks.
We later discover the affair had gone on for the last 3 years, not 1.
Mom finds comfort in friends who tell her it's all my dad's fault for being a bad husband.
We also learn she is in love with this man. She's unwilling to give him up, despite being aware what that means.
Mom swears she wants to make a go of it and give Dennis up.
Mom says after 2 days she can't give him up and is unwilling to try.
This last week mom moves out.
Stress causes me to register for classes late; crucial ones are full and I almost can't take needed stuff to graduate. Had to see chair of English dept. to fix it.
Mom says she is afraid she'll lose me for good.
Mom then says she won't be losing anything because she already lost me to Terri and friends years ago.
In between missing work here and there, barely finishing school assignments, and needing to visit doctor, these last few weeks I've been trying to take it easy. I've been noticing all the symptoms of over-stress:
Fatigue (all day)
Loss of alterness
Muscle atrophy (unexplained loss of strength)
Short term memory issues
Irritablity/Mood swings
So.... this last weekend I've been chilling out. There is a SHITLOAD more to this story but that's the basic of the basic. For more info, gimme a call some time. Sigh.