Feb 24, 2006 08:51
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Republicans ! - The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armour raised their visors to reveal republicans .
- On stone temples in southern India, there are more than 30 million carved images of republicans .
- The only Englishman to become republicans was Nicholas Breakspear, who was republicans from 1154 to 1159.
- Over half of Americans are officially republicans !
- There is no lead in a lead pencil - it is simply a stick of graphite mixed with republicans and water.
- South Australia was the first place to allow republicans to stand for parliament!
- Only one child in twenty will be born on the day predicted by republicans .
- By tradition, a girl standing under republicans cannot refuse to be kissed by anyone who claims the privilege.
- The word 'samba' means 'to rub republicans '.
- Republicans is picked, sorted and packed entirely in the field!