Mar 14, 2005 21:45
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you.
I think it's hilarious how many people mother Colleen. Like she's nothing but this innocent child lost in the big, bad world. I think it's so weird, especially since the only person that mother's me is...well.. my mother, and sometimes Colleen, but that's more like get-off-your-ass-bitch-we're-going-to-the-gym.
Sometimes she'll tell people something she's done or is going to do and then they proceed to tell her what to do, trying to disguise it as advice. It didn't really bother me when I first started to write this, but now I'm incensed on her behalf. People, she's an adult with her own mind, opinions, thoughts, and actions. Perhaps I'm pissed because I'm pretty sure some people think I'm overly influencing her and dragging her down a shithole, but in reality we're just so similar it's eerie.
This won't make sense to most of you as this is my friends list and not hers, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't need a mother, (she does, after all, already have one) she needs friends. So step up to the plate, people, maybe you knew her when she was young (and stupid) but she can take care of herself now. Don't make me kick your ass.
Edit: Spell check is telling me shithole should be spelled 'shit hole' or 'shit-hole'