Didn't go out this weekend. Decided to stay in the shop and push out more work since it got busy last week. Also really conservative about funds right now. So, no Nocturna for me. Been out for a couple shows in the past month. Everything Goes Cold, FLA, and the Saturday Night of the WTII minifest.
My landlord offered to reduce the rent down. That helps but would need one of the tech ladies to rent space to get my costs down to the target level to be profitable. Think If I am going to keep the business might want to push a solution to her lack of business space problem this week. Otherwise, putting more captital in the business would just delay the inevitable. Also, looking forward to closing and being done with this era of my life.
My old boss has been busy shredding his old paperwork. Also watching Game of Thrones which I got him into. Looks like my store will finally look clean and organised for the final business month.
Been feeling better lately. Think because I have a end date and a beginning date, and a goal with a set timeframe to complete it. Figure I move on two year cycles. Two years is really short and goes by quicker than a person can blink.
Funny being out seeing some old friends. I felt strange. Felt like I was a stranger or changed. Besides cleaning up the shop to move, been more looking forward. My head is pretty stuck on legacy thoughts or interests.
Lately, I noticed lossing interest in boyhood obsessions.
For example, I made fun of a group playing W40K, a toy soldier game, online. Of course I put a plug in for my preferred game. Just, haven't actually sat down and played the game for 18 years with people. More recently a ex-roomate tried to get me into Warhammer 40K a couple years back. Looked cool, I liked the science-fantasy universe of it, but didn't see my self spend thousands of dollars and thousands of hours getting into a game system or universe and playing that. I'm done playing with toy soldiers.
If I was going to spend thousands of hours and dollars, would try to get a college degree or something.
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