Jun 05, 2011 13:24
The saga continues! Rather than apologizing like an adult who cares about the deep traumas of others, LJS is "standing by" her analogy because, you know, she's the one who was raped and then blamed for it, so it's totally okay you guys. She's clearly more important than anyone else who has ever been raped.
And I quote: I should have been more straightforward in that interview. The victim I spoke of was myself, and I should have said that outright. There is a strong sentiment against speaking of rape at all, and this was not something I had previously shared with readers. I am sorry for disturbing anyone with the analogy, but I stand behind my right to make it--now that I have owned up to being the one who could compare the two experiences.
I just can't even... I quit you, LJS. I was going to give the future non-sequel works a shot, but I quit; she is a disgusting, self-centered person without even a basic sense of empathy or perspective and pretty much the exact antithesis of the strong female role models she claims to want to spread. I may or may not shut down DP. I'm not sure yet.