Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero!

Mar 21, 2006 01:38

during the sunday night thunderstorms, heatherthegreat & i enjoyed one of the sexiest movie watching experiences i can remember... the film "Henry & June" is a complete aphrodisiac.

and then, this evening at the hippie coop, we watched the most tragically heart-wrenching films i have seen since Requiem for a Dream... Aimée & Jaguar, which is one of agua_miel's favorite films. and although she wasn't able to watch it with us tonight, she did crown me with roses before she went out for coffee this evening... i felt just like one of the Maenads, right before all of the Bacchae sacrifice the bull by tearing it apart with their bare hands!

although it is a melodrama, the way in which these characters are poised against one another felt so genuine to me. i was entirely enraptured, and found myself able to relate to all of these heroines... i could even identify with Lilly Wust, in the way that i know that i have much to learn before i will be as strong, courageous, and skilled in espionage as Felice Schragenheim... whose "live-for-today-for-tomorrow-we-die" modus operandi echoes one of my highest ideals, " Some must die so that others may live!"

another thing that jumped out at me as reminiscent of recent experience was one of the hottest love scenes i've ever witnessed, in which these two star-crossed lovers finally embrace one another ("I see you shiver with antici............pation")... they are passionately quaking in the exhilaration of consummating their love ("It's a trembling contest!"), and i was reminded of buddhalotus & earthmonkey23 reading their wedding vows to one another this weekend... which heatherthegreat and i arrived just in time to witness and celebrate, at the most darlingly intimate chapel in the Hill Country, called Chapel Dulcinea. as i said during their reception later, i am quite certain that those two will continue to provide one another shelter through the Apocalypse. M countered that they very well may be the ones who bring about Armageddon, and I suggested that at least then, they will be eaten first! fortunately, H & i sealed their wedding gifts with our handcrafted Elder Signs.


VALIS continues to manifest in our lives...

during a conversation with k45, recently, we discussed the proper phrasing of a statement which many philosophers believe to be the closest thing to an absolutely universal ethic for human social groups: something like, "When in Rome, do as the Romans would have you do (depending on who you are, and the Romans' attitude towards you)!" thus, i seek to interact with mature societies that provide a forum in which people may participate, so that they may question the culture's own rules... such as the Mescalero Apache Clowns, as well as world-wide examples of other Fools, Jesters, & Tricksters, in general.... while i also seek to embody the ideals of The Areopagus... and at the same time, i respect the Aghori practicioners of Vamachara ("caveat comestor"), & other explorations of Vama Marga, the "the left hand path" of Tantra.

and for assorted other odd reasons & connections, i am also thinking of Kirk's solution to the Kobayashi Maru scenario, Jodorowsky's graphic novel, "Son of the Gun," The Reverend Steven Johnson Leyba, and Ernst Jünger...

perhaps one day, i will eventually build my tower tall enough for many more people to hear, yet well-defended enough so that i will not be silenced for my controversial views on collective transcendence beyond unhealthily restrictive taboos. fortunately, i have some time to work on the quality of my programming content.

thank you for participating in this random brain dump with me (perhaps this has been another form of excremeditation?), now it's time for me to attempt to sleep... perchance, to dream?!!!
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