"Mit den Fursten der Finsternis habe ich Wurfel gespielt." Thanks to Lawrence Maynard's article "
What is Dice 'Fairness' Anyway?" here's the argument for the acceptance of a non-isohedron like the Trapezohedron as a "fair die:" ` ` (Although) it's actually a dual polyhedra shape that doesn't satisfy the conditions to make it an isohedron (it
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"The significance of the trapezoid itself came from its suggestion of perspective and the distortion of that perspective in such UFA films as _The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari_ and _The Golem_. From ritual use of similar angles and planes in such ceremonies as "Die Elektrischen Vorspiele" [in _The Satanic Rituals_], Anton LaVey made observations culminating in his "Law of the Trapezoid":
"All obtuse angles are magically harmful to those unaware of this property. The same angles are beneficial, stimulating, and energizing to those who are magically sensitive to them."
In the December V/1970 _Cloven Hoof_ article, five literary sources for this principle were identified: William Mortensen's _The Command to Look_, Louis McCarty's _The Great Pyramid Jeezeh_, Sheila Ostrander & Lynn Schroeder's Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain_ (Chapter 27), Frank Belknap Long's _The Hounds of Tindalos_, and H.P. Lovecraft's _The Haunter of the Dark_."
and now we have an effigy that reflects these theories... i wonder what we will put on top of it?
an all-seeing eye seems cliche...
as does a winged globe...
perhaps The Holy Graal of Babalon? (Maybe not, although that would be appropriate for a septagram-oriented effigy, though)...
how about The Philosopher's Stone? (Okay, perhaps that would work, if we consider Taoist alchemy, with the eight Bagua... but what would our version look like?)
i have heard a couple of suggestions for heads that make noises produced from actions powered by wind &/or sun; but i think it would be coll if the head were some kind of screen (but not a sail!), upon which we could project different images.
too bad we can't afford to create hologaphic images!
...maybe we could create a spinning optical illusion?
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