"Dear diary, you make me sick!"

Sep 20, 2004 13:11

i knew there was a reason that i don't use this forum much for personal journaling...
and now i have "evidence" ;~}
thanks to SMliles Lewis for posting this entry on his blog
originally from an article by Andy Coghlan @ NewScientist.com:

according to studies by UK psychologists, "regular diarists were more likely than non-diarists to suffer from headaches, sleeplessness, digestive problems and social awkwardness."

addendum: well, although i fall into three of those four problem categories (correlation or causality?), these brit studies are obviously rubbish... yet, i do actually agree with the part about it being good to not dwell on things!

geb, psychology, dissipative structures, mad cow, gift, autopoiesis, ethics, information theory, geek social fallacies, journaling, culture

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