i didn't exactly want to follow the lemmings, but i wanted to share in the experience; so i thought i would update and post something from a few years back... hope y'all enjoy!
Rehearsals Of Modernism: A Treble Syllabary 0.Your name:
Duffy Jonah1.Nickname:
Agemo Chenoi2.Eye Color:
Lapis Lazuli3.Hair Color:
Calico (Blond, with red & black patches)4.Height:
Coriolis effect5.Weight:
bok choy cabbage6.Screen Name:
Harrier Kurt Wagner7.Siblings:
Thoth, Hermes, Vishnu8.Friends:
mythos & logos9.School:
The Aeon of Horus11.Date of Birth:
Friday 13th, August 130712.Grade:
"A" hand gathered yard egg13.Place of birth:
Mu-Mu Land14.Place you reside:
Dressing the Wounded During a Gas Attack15.Parents names:
reason & compassion ©Love Life©
16.Marital Status:
betrothed17.Your Crushes name:
agape18.How long have you liked your crush:
pre-cambrian19.Do they know you like them:
consult your pineal gland20.Have you ever had a broken heart:
i HAVE a broken heart 21.Have you ever dumped someone:
fuck!22.How far have you gone with a guy/girl:
what is this, a purity test?23.The longest you have gone out with someone:
'til the stars fell from the sky24.Are you a BIG flirt:
Why don't'cha just... come up and see me sometime... then you can find out for yourself! ?¿Which One?¿
25.Pepsi or Coke:
soma26.Cake or Pies:
Boston Cream Pie27.Love or Lust:
ekstasis28.Silver or Gold:
fire & brimstone29.Friday or Saturday:
Holarchy30.Mall or Movies:
détournement31.Kisses or Hugs:
double plus good!32.Friends or Boyfriend/Girlfriend:
paradigm shift ~*The Last Time You*~
33.Told someone you LOVED them:
I love you!34.Kissed someone:
were you there when they crucified my lord?35.Hugged someone:
seven generations36.Fallen in Love:
Finnegan's Wake37.Taken a shower:
with powdered water?38.Ate something:
my foot.39.Talked on the phone:
...can you hear me now?40.Skipped a class:
hey, cut me some slack!41.Stole something:
i prefer the terms 'borrowed,' 're-interpreted,' or 'appropriated'42.Gone to the Movies:
"i'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille!"43.Bought something:
you can't LIVE without bread! (bio-survial tickets, that is...)44.Cheated on Someone:
my karma ran over my dogma, but my catma just had kittens45.Asked Someone Out:
Trojan War46.Flirted with someone:
i'm still trying to figure that one out... 47.Lied to someone:
that wasn't me. **TRUE OR FALSE**
48.You have cheated on a Test:
it was for the greater good.49.You would rather DIE than have a Huge Zit:
"I'm so sure, like... gag me with a spoon!"50.You hate to shop:
It's better than standing in a mile long line for toilet paper in soviet russia, eh?51.You Like Hanson:
That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.52.You like to put other people down:
onlysothey'reonmylevel53.You hate the Movies:
I prefer Rune Quests54.You Hate school:
Burn the Universities... we can teach ourselves!55.You hate all sports:
True ...unless they're played naked.56. You hate your Life:
Life is ephemeral.57. You believe in Jesus:
I've got his gourd! © Opposite Attracts ©
58. What attracts you to the other sex:
...like a moth to the flame!59. Things you hate about them:
there is no 'them' there is only 'us'60. What would the perfect guy/gal look like:
gal61. Does it matter if they are $RICH$ or not:
Begone, Moloch!62. Ideal height:
Portabello Mushrooms63. do you have a crush:
seek and ye shall find...64. If so, what do they look like:
cosmic climax65. what makes you like them:
trust/devotion, compassion/kindness, and intimacy/ecstasy ?¿ Who Was ?¿
66. Your last years teachers:
I Ching,
IFA67. Who was your 1st friend last year:
myself68. Who are the snobs at your school:
Wasichus, Houles&
hungry ghosts69. Who do you know that has the same B-day has you:
ghoti70. Who sent this to you:
Scheherazade71. What is next?
meow meow return you to your irregularly re-scheduled de-programming! --