mmmmm... donuts! (beware the tapeworm)

Nov 18, 2011 04:05

What do you think of the film, _THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?_
(although they are charging to view the film on their homepage, copies can be found for free on youtube, etc.)

image Click to view

One of my favorite parts of the film is their suggested solutions... "What Can I Do?"

Another of the valuable messages that i heard repeated in this film was, "Follow The Money."

Curiously enough, they even promote a book that i am currently reading, that was given to me by my father... the text is known as "The Creature from Jekyll Island"

Also, i appreciate the filmmakers' commitment to non-violence and non-aggression... even if it sometimes gets buried in the rest of their ideology, they respect pioneers such as Ghandi, MLK, & O-Sensei

And of course, i love toroid structures as much as the next sacred geometrist ;-p
...In a fashion perhaps not entirely unlike what Yeats and Carroll referred to as "gyres?"
In any case, i am always delighted by the golden ratio & the fibonacci sequence...


Now, i am just as willing to hear stories about aliens as i am fascinated by people's spiritual ideas or favorite fantasy/sci-fi tales... as long as they don't claim to be in possession of the one and only revelation... i just wish that we could see that the valuable parts of these stories are metaphors about ethical behaviour. Oddly enough, i am reminded of a certain post that i made in 2008, right around this same time of year:
LOVE: suspension of disbelief... within reason?
In that post, i shared one of my favorite personal aphorisms:
"i am a skeptic, but i will joyously celebrate the power of love!"


So, now that i have mentioned a few of the things that i loved about the movie... here are some well-deserved criticisms...

Although i appreciate at least some, if not many of the filmmakers' apparent goals, i do question their methods. Amusingly enough, when i first watched it, i was poking fun @ their conjecture about extraterrestrial-gov't elite conspiracy as being similar to the theories of David Icke... and i spoke David Icke's name just preceeding the exact moment that he first appeared on the screen. After that odd but not entirely surprising synchronicity (due to the clear influence that his ideas had on the film's development), i was inspired to share another video of a particularly bizarre permutation of David Icke's ideas that came out last year around this same time, when a certain woman had some "revelations" that apparently made her a fair amount of cash (hey, where's that 5.3 million dollars you promised each of us, Miss Thomas?)

image Click to view


But back to analyzing our current alien-conspiracy-riddled video propaganda...

Here's the beginning of Gabrieltech & Muertos debunking the "Thrive" film in two-parts (to be continued)

Muertos had also provided a debunking of the trailer, previously
...which was previously posted on this blog


And besides all that... they really need to get a better soundtrack... unless they are intentionally aiming for an aging gen-x & elderly boomer audience (which, come to think of it, might be exactly who they are targeting... somewhere between star trek & star wars?).


So, while i continue to work on balancing praise & criticism, i'll be watching a couple of other films... The Experimental Witch and Flight From Death

government, anthropology, violence, skepticism, science

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