Water: The Great MysteryWhen a friend shared this film with me, I was definitely curious to see what resonances I would find... For the past few nights, I have been in profound contemplation of many of these ideas. I do my best to
maintain as many possible perspectives on any given issue as I can, including belief & skepticism. I have always appreciated concepts like Einstein's "
spooky action at a distance," as well as more
or less spurious attempts to apply quantum mechanics to biology, and i should also say for the record that the idea that there is some kind of aethyr connecting all parts of the Cosmos into a holistic system of flux is obviously central to my perspective on existence... so, I rather appreciate the references to instantaneous intergalactic communication made possible by the apparent interconnectedness of all hydrogen throughout the Universe made in David Sereda's 12-part interview on Coast to Coast:
Amazing Water ~ Is it Conscious? (Also q.v. the base metaphor of the Apache:
"It's the same thing!", which I have adapted into my daily adorations of the stations of the Sun & the four directions). I have long maintained that although the Sun is obviously the most powerful structure in our solar system, it is still only a speck compared to the vastness of the Universe... and I am ultimately devoted to the entire Cosmos... but the Sun does seem to be one of the most powerful Archons in our vicinity, anyway! So, it is not at all surprising to me that it has such a beneficial effect upon water ;~})>
I have to admit that when I first heard about
Masaru Emoto's work (through the film
What The Bleep Do We Know!?), I was initially rather pleased. Eventually though, in discussion with some of my more rigorously (rigidly?) rationalist friends, even my own skeptical hackles were raised (
just as others have reacted to this new film about Water). I even did a project called "
What the BLOOP Do We Know?" which combined Journalism & Voudou ritual during Burning Flipside 2006. Regarding these realms where science & spirituality meet,
Albert Einstein also had some enlightening things to say. And I am quite fond of
Scientific Illuminism. Yet, I tend to think of this particular question about the nature of water in terms like that of
psychoneuroimmunology.. . which is to say that I recognize that the way we feel about our health can have a profound effect upon our actual health... which I have
analyzed in great detail previously (particularly in the "psychology=physiology" thread). The adage, "It works if you work it!" comes to mind, also.
So, what I got out of this film, "
Water: The Great Mystery" is a renewed appreciation for the beauty and power of compassion (even if it's a story often told by Tricksters, like the proverbial travelling elixir salesfolks... I am always striving to purify my foolishness ;~). Fundamentally, I recognize that I am in the highest integrity when I am fully present in the moment, and completely devoted to a path of service. I think that this is really the same message as
PKD's essential thesis:
"It's not what you look like, or what planet you were born on. It's how kind you are."
And I am again reminded of
a particular life lesson I have referenced numerous times, recently...
One friend of mine (who is a medical doctor) provided a clue to me a couple of years ago: when this person was observing alternative healing practices, a certain degree of suspension of disbelief was necessary, but overall it was recognized that there is an emotional content to many of these methods which is comforting to people (perhaps the beneficial action is in development of a therapeutic relationship and not in the treatments themselves, sometimes?)... and whatever the reason, it is a good thing that people receive unconditional love, listening, and guidance from their healing practitioners. My comment at the time was, "i am a skeptic, but i will joyously celebrate the power of