MBTI cycle

Nov 26, 2006 10:01

i decided to compare my current MBTI scores with previous results...
in 2001, when i first took the MBTI, i was an ENTP
in 2003, when i found livejournal, i was going through a fiercely individualist phase, and was an ENFJ
now, according to this 68 question test, i am back to an ENTP

EI: 5 out of 17
Extrovert |-------------------------------------------------| Introvert
SN: 10 out of 17
Sensation |-------------------------------------------------| iNtuition
TF: 7 out of 17
Thinking |-------------------------------------------------| Feeling
JP: 14 out of 17
Judging |-------------------------------------------------| Perceiving

psychology, external, internal, motivation, self-referential, shift, thinking, perceiving, metal, personality, feeling, theory, enfj, system, gender, 256, mbti, feminine, lemming, binary, pole, trigger, archetype, entp, social, ifa, judging, quiz, intuition, unknown

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