... preciousssss....
*hugs my laptop*
I didn't even open my other box. Not going to either until I move in to the new apartment on Wednesday.
Anyone have any suggestions on a case-type thing for the laptop? A sleeve would probably be enough for me, since I can just use my existing backpack (which is a really good backpack).
This looked to be the niftiest one, but the case is too expensive and doesn't quite fit my laptop (too big) according to the site.
This one is probably more in my pricerange and functionality required.
A few things about the notebook.
1) I know the reviews said it was light. Light is an understatement - I think my keyboard is probably heavier. Heck, my PDA + PDA Keyboard is probably heavier. Easily the lightest laptop I've ever held.
2) It apparently hates Windows XP. Now, I've had machines hate Linux before, and I've had machines hate Windows XP by refusing to let it install, but this one is new - it refuses to even detect a Windows XP install CD. At all. "Unknown File System" for every single one of my Windows XP install CDs, save my original. Really annoying since I wanted to waste the built in home partition and install XP Pro at the very least, and XP and 95 at most (don't ask).
3) Apparently, it loves Linux. This may quite possibly be the first machine I've ever owned that actually installed a distro of linux correctly with no (apparent) problems. At all. Like, it even successfully resized the XP partition (another first for me - didn't care if it fried it anyway, I have restore CDs). SuSE 9.3 DVD version (as DVDs apparently are the only things I can burn and have the machine recognize it - the exact INVERSE of my problem with most of my computers), installed perfectly and even detected that it was a laptop. Haven't played around with it long enough to see how much of an adverse affect on battery life it'll have (or if it will have a longer one - if so, I'll ditch the XP partition in a heartbeat). It even detected every piece of equipment on the machine - correctly!
4) Runs a bit warm. Well, that could just be the install, as when I had it in Windows it was running fine temp-wise. Kinda funny that my laptop is my hottest running computer. :P
Only qualms I have about running Linux only on the laptop:
1) It is going to be a pain to try to print to a network printer here on campus. Doubt I'd do it often enough to care that much.
2) I can't goof off between classes and/or during classes that I don't need to pay attention to with SMAC. :P
3) Going to have to figure out how to trim functions to make the laptop use less power. Not only am I not used to having to do this, but I don't even know where to START in Linux.
4) No Borland Compiler, which I use for my Software Analysis and Design class. Before someone starts talking to me complaining about a compiler, the reason that I'd need it is simple - everyone else in my group would be using the same compiler, and we are making Windows apps anyway. :P
None of those are actually reasons enough for me to not run it by itself (except maybe #2. :P). Even if I did run it by itself, I'd probably sneak 95 on there so I can play old games when I go back home for winter break.
I had a subscription to Transgaming and made sure to grab everything I could before cancelling, so I could even run WineX if needed. However, I'd probably only run non-SMAC games on rare occasions. SMAC, on the other hand, I might consider running in the background at all times if I was running XP. :P
Slayk, any way to keep the processor dropped down to the minimum speed instead of having it increase whenever the machine thinks you need it? I mean, most times when I'm on battery 800 MHz is easily enough. I know you (I think it was you) had mentioned that you were running an Athlon XP-M proc in one of your machines, so I was hoping for a tip or three bajillion.
Well, now I go to bed. *takes the laptop with the SPOON! to bed*
Okay, maybe not. Besides, as much as I like my laptop, I'd rather have a Kritter in bed with me. :)