
Jan 07, 2006 00:39

So i guess I haven't been here in awhile... but livejournal looks different. I'm not really even sure if I'm doing this right. I guess we'll find out.

I accomplished (almost) the most I've done all break today by working on my resume. It's looking pretty good. Now I just need to make it look as pretty as possible and start sending it out to every company I can find an address for. Maybe I'll hear back about something for the summer! If anyone wants to have an ECE summer internship application party let me know! We can stuff envelopes, write cover letters, make phone calls... oh boy! Now that the resume is done, all that is left is to review for Signals 2. I'm taking that this term along with 2801, and another class which is still TBD.

I'll have to start updating this thing more often now so that it doesn't change around on me to the point that I can't use it anymore. Looking forward to seeing my WPI people in C term!
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