Dr. Seuss Quote and From Panic to Power by Lucinda Bassett

Oct 22, 2008 00:26

I have come to love this quote now.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss

Other than that, not much else happening. Just been sick the past several weeks. Sinus infection. Now it is just congestion, but my biggest problem right now is that the fluids from my sinus are draining into my lungs, so now chest congestion. >.<

Well when it rains it pours. Hopefully I will be well in another week or two.

The other day I was actually at Chapters and looking at the Anxiety books. I had been discharged out of Day Hospital and ever since a meeting with one of the Psychiatrists I had been wondering if the program was right for me or not. I considered that maybe there was a book in which I could take inspiration from. Out of nowhere a lady pulled down a book on Anxiety and told me that this book was one of the best she had ever read and recommended it to me. I thanked her and flipped through the book. (At this point Batz, who is an atheist declared "See angels do exist." To much of my surprise.) I eventually bought the book and have been madly reading it ever since. Many of the exercises and lessons in the book are pretty much what we were being taught and suggested in the Day Hospital program. The only difference was that in the program you have access to group therapy and social interaction with others. Everything else is the same and the book even has more than expected inside it. Much more than what the videos taught us, and how to discover and evaluate the root of our anxiety. It also shows how to beat all of the "what ifs".

I have no other complaints about this book other than the regular Chapter about "God" slipped into there. I have a bit of a quarrel with many books when they slip faith into there. It makes it very unfriendly towards those who do not share the same faith or do not have any religious beliefs at all. It is easy for someone like me to just add "dess" to the end of their suggestions. LOL. Well to me God is God and Goddess together, so I don't mind. Plus if you don't like something, don't read it right? I just wonder sometimes because I know that some people do get offended, when they are atheist or agnostic.

This book has now halfway been filled with red pen and highlighter marks all over it. It's really funny to think about it. One one way I could look at all of it and say "OMG, do I have a shitload of problems! How did it get this way?" but because of this book and constant suggestions from The Secret by Rhonda Byrne I've been working hard to turn my thinking around and tell myself the opposite. Instead my thoughts on it are "This book is really making me realize the root of my problems and opening the window to my recovery. I'm a few steps forward!"

I love this book, especially their suggestions on how to turn your thoughts of suicide around. At one part the author suggests that instead of imagining what would happen when you overdose on pills, what would happen if you tried to kill yourself with an overdose of jelly beans. I did that and ended up laughing myself silly at the thought of shitting rainbows out of every orafice on my body.

The book is From Panic to Power by Lucinda Bassett.

The only unfortunate part is that despite the book I still need aid with medications and my depression. Which is alright. Talking with my original Psychiatrist Dr. Girgis is always pleasurable and stress relieving. She is a really nice lady.

I just need to think up a way to get money fast! The more immediate problem I have is not eventually getting money in the long run. That is actually a lot easier to map out in my mind. It is getting money to live and eat within the next month. The problem is that I still have severe agoraphobia and am incapable of being anywhere on my own still. Despite my progress at Day Hospital, I have taken two steps back again. I was told by my doctors that it may even take me a year to get myself back into a state where I can be alone, even with anxiety, but it doesn;t happen overnight.

I am lost and at this rate I may loose everything. I want to have faith, but faith is hard to come by when there is no help, and especially since help comes with the price of great losses.

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