Sep 04, 2008 21:08
So this is my second day as a Pescetarian. I'm really not missing anything. I suppose I will eventually miss eating Beef Tatake, at some point, but not right now.If you are wondering, a pescetarian is someone who doesn't eat mammals or poultry. They can eat fish and some do still eat eggs. I am the kind that will still eat eggs.
I fear that most people are going to be grossed out by my love for tofu. I love tofu and soy. I couldn't drink milk as a child (some breast milk and formula) so I was reared on soy drink. I love the taste. ^^ Oh well. No beffyness for me, more for you guys out there then. :P All the meat in the house will now go to Batz's tummy.
To be honest, ever since I was a kid, I wasn't all that thrilled over meat anyway. it always leaves a funny taste in my mouth and often upset my tummy. (even lately)
I am happy as long as I have cheese, salad, sushi, and fruits! Yum!
I've been reading Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin, and it seems like it is just a full book on going Vegan. There are some things I don't agree with which harshly tells me I will stay a fat unhealthy pig forever. Despite all things it seems like a valuable book for anyone to read. it's better to see every facet of the diamond before you can say whether it's pretty or not.
I'm starting to enjoy blogging and surfing more and more lately, instead of going onto forums and having conversations about stuff. Not that I am going to stop. I am just starting to want to do it less. Control seems to be a good thing. I am wondering what else in the outside world I have been missing. Don't say "meat" ha ha ha!
Well no bites on Etsy yet. I'm really not that good at marketing myself, so I don't quite know what to do to advertise myself.
So I am learning to cross stich. But the pattern is shit, considering it was from a dollar store and instead of a dark pink thread they gave me a salmon coloured thread. So it is going to look like it will have a shitty outcome. this seems a little to easy. Perhaps I should return to learning embroidary instead.