Blow your own trumpet..

Sep 09, 2006 12:33

Damn I had writing about myself which I hate doing with a passion. I have been asked to provide a short (as if thats possible) paragraph about my department at work, its aims, goals and initiatives, as well as providing a bit of background on myself PhD thesis topic, publications, previous grants, awards and current/recent projects managed either as research post PhD or concerning education in museums. I did it, I sound glowing, especially as one of the projects I managed last year is up for a swanky award (had to speak to a journalist and have pictures for a paper ugh....) And I got a small grant for an enquiry based leaning programme AND a larger arts based grant.. all whilst on maternity leave.

Off to my mums on wednesday, so that will be lovely. Means the little man and I get ruined. The hubby will join us for a long weekend before hotfooting it back home to do some gardening. We have this steep embankment at the end of our garden and i want to plant hundreds of daffodils to make it look fabulous in spring. So i have a merry assortment of bulbs to plant, and lots of work to do with the hubster when we get back. its going to look great! Just need to encourgage the climbing plants to climb on the trelis and not on the grass... Ill let you know how I get on.

Saldy NOT my garden (NYC Botanical gardens...) but a possibility of what it could look like...
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