Jan 27, 2006 11:57
Right, apart from being very happy about getting some tix to see the moz, we have actually managed to sell our house. we got a great offer just off the asking price and so have accepted. Not bad really considering this new estate agent had only had the house for 10 days!
I have to admit to being over the moon, nervous, apprehensive and pretty scared. I have never bought and sold a house at the same time. There is a lot going on, I have lots of forward planning to do for the department, and a forecast on budgets to complete. Also I am trying to get accepted onto a PgDip course in museum interpretative studies, there is no reason why I shouldn't, its just expensive and I think I am pushing it asking work to foot the bill. (I DID after all, pay for my PhD myself...)
This weekend we are supposed to be off to Milan. I just had an email from our friends there, the airport we are flying into is closed and the few flights that have taken off for Bergamo have ended up in Verona. Our flight isnt until tomorrow night, so there is hope that the airport will get its act together. Its 50cms according to the latest email. There is warm air due, I just hope it gets there by lunchtime tomorrow!!