Oct 11, 2010 15:55
Went to a lovely meeting at the Q center yesterday: I didn't get the actual Tranz_Guys_PDX meet-up date right, it's next Sunday. So, I showed up in the middle of a fundraiser for a girl's softball team and everyone was drinking and playing poker. Since I don't do either of those things, I just sort of lurked awkwardly at the edges of conversations, determined for the trip not to be a complete bust, and waited until everyone got drunk enough to be easy to talk to. By the end of the night I'd become acquainted with some lovely ladies, an adorable couple, was hugged and fed, and met another trans guy who was MORE than happy to dump all kinds of good information on my head concerning the resources and meet-ups available for trans dudes, people just coming out, and a bunch of other stuff.
Not bad at all for a guy who comes down with a bad case of shaky baby deer syndrome whenever he wanders into large crowds full of people he doesn't know!
Cheered me right up, I'll be the first to say! Also printed out some things for class tomorrow--it's Week Seven, peer Review, which means I have to put my work up in front of a bunch painters and installation artists after the painful stumble of last week, and listen to another girl read out what she wrote of my work after interviewing me over email, which is no longer...quite accurate. And then listen to what my classmates do, (or worse, do not, there's NOTHING like a silent crit) have to say about it, and keep my mouth shut. I'm nervous as hell. *laughs* I do have some things to put up on the wall though, comic pages and concept pictures, and with any luck my review won't be a disaster.
The quarter is definitely getting more hectic and I'm scrambling to catch up in all my classes, but I think I've got some traction, finally.
the bright side