if i could sleep my whole life away;

Jun 23, 2012 17:54

i think that one of the things that upsets me the most is when someone tells me they want to do something with/for me and then they just... don't. it's like, i thought they were telling me that because they wanted to have fun with me or doing it because they cared and wanted to make me happy a bit. so of course, i would say yes because i want to have fun too or because i'm grateful and happy that they would do something like that.

so when they don't it's like a punch in the gut like "oh, so you never really cared about it like i did"

or i'm just really oversensitive which is a likely cause for all this but... if you tell me something like that and i say yes, i'm going to end up expecting something, y'know?

i swear i'm always either mad or depress, today is a day where i'm depressed

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