
Feb 01, 2007 14:27

...and a few loose CaNaDiAnS.

I have been promising a post for some time now... just haven't had the opportunity. I will do it now even though I am supposed to be finishing up my speech for class, which has now been cancelled. Stupid weather. Anyway, It has been an interesting 'new year' to say the least. I think with every ounce of 'bad luck' or regarding every blow life has socked us with, Jamie and I have returned to the ring nicely.

That which was wrong previously has been put right, etc, etc.

I am still in the hospital system, working three days and going to class, full load this semester. I haven't decided but I'm pretty sure I will take next semester off and just work. We can always use the money. *accruing 'student loan' debt* School is going well. Adrianne and Aedan are well. Jamie started a new job this week... it was a lateral move but closer to home. I like this company better because they aren't electronically bound to one another with devices that never shut up! They don't seem as rude and hurried as his previous co-workers.

Parents are hanging in there... getting older but hanging in there.

I don't see my brother. It was probably before Thanksgiving the last time I saw him. I have spoken to him briefly on the phone a couple of times but I don't think it is "allowed". It seems our family is different from her family... nothing new. We went through this with the last "female" he was with. Rude. Plain and simple. I think the biggest problem is we (my family) don't treat her ADULT child and older child (13ish?) like babies and give them everything so she thinks we don't like them. Well... at least half of that statement is true. None the less, my brother stays and can't understand why we (family - extended included) don't just "change" to suit her as he did. Well, he chose to be with her... we didn't. He knows how our family is, our values, traditions... that are/were generations in the making. If my grandmother were still alive she would have already had words with both of them. Her son, my dad, did the same thing to her. My aunt didn't even know I existed until I was two. That was just selfish. *shrugs* They say the apple never falls far from the tree, I guess my brother is just following in our father's footsteps, whether right or wrong.

Heh, this apple is rolling the hell out from under that tree!

Anyway, more to say but on a political rant... so I will do a second post later.

Be well.

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