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answer to long ass questions. pixiedust74 September 21 2006, 16:35:53 UTC
1. Who are you, really? What did your parental units name you? Deena

1a. What were they going to name you? Deena

2. What time of the year were you born? Summer

3. What is your EARLIEST childhood memory (good or bad)? You don't have to be specific... unless you want.: I wanted to ride the teacups and THEY wouldn’t let me.

4. What is your first memory of school? Pre, K, Primary...: Charlotte Cooper

5. What was the name of the first "friend" you made on your own? (not a parental/playdate setup): Charlotte Cooper

6. What did you want to be when you grew up?: I’ve never had an answer to that question., have I?

7. What are you now?: Slave, maid, mom.

8. How old were you when you first drove on an interstate highway?: 15….or was it sooner? McDonalds? What McDonalds?

9. Have you ever used "illicit" drugs? whome?
9 3/4. Which ones? Notme. Couldntbe.

9. Did/do you like it? I LOVED that movie, but the book was much better. MmmmTim Curry

10. If not, why? Why what? The sea of holes…

11. Do you drink alcoholic beverages? Only if your husband makes them and they have good tequila in them…or if it’s some sort of wine. Other than that, I really have to be in a specific drinking and/or throwing down mood. I prefer coffee.

12. Beer, wine or liquor? Coffee.

13.2. Do you like to drink water? Yes, I finally jumped on the water bandwagon

13. What kind of music did your parents listen to? At what point? Now, mom listens to christian and dad listens to books on tape. Dad is into big band, swing and oldies but not the Beatles. He hates the Beatles because they took all the girl’s attention away from him. Mom was the president of Hermin’s Hermits fan club…I am Henry the 8th I am..Henery the 8th I amI am. I got married to the widow next door, she’s been married 7 times before…lalalalalalalala

15. What was the first music/band/artist you recall liking? The Beatles.

16. Who would you kill if you had the chance, no remorse, no regret, no punishment... essentially... a free pass? Ivory Jackson

17.How would you kill them? Cut off their penis, shove it up their ass, make them suck on it and then shove it down their throat, constricting their airways so they smother on their own cock. HOWS IT FEEL ASSHOLE?! Huh? Oh..sorry. next question.

18. Why would you have killed them? Because he’s an annoying mindless idiot?

18a. If you could live anywhere in the world, short term or long, where would you go? Anywhere with a private island.

18z. Why? A private island is peaceful. I want to have no stress and lie in the sun all day listening to the waves crash against the shore. However, private means just that. Private. None of those damn natives with the crazy ass face paint!

19. Do you believe in "other" life forms? (ETs)I think it is arrogant to think we are the only life forms in the entire universe or beyond.

20. Have you ever seen an U.F.O? It was really a “weather balloon”

21. Was it explained away as "swamp gas"? noooo….

22. Do you believe in ghosts/spirits/angels? Yes. Yes. Yes.

23. Have you ever seen one/many? Yes and now so has Madeline.

24. What do you think happens when we die? I think that depends on how we live.

25. What do you think your purpose here? (living, on earth): My purpose is to provide amusement and maid services to everyone living in my house? I am the life of the party. I am the drunk girl that laughs too loud. I am a best friend to several, a mom to one, a girlfriend to a pretty decent guy and a pain in the ass to my parents. My purpose for being here essentially is to live the best life I can and hope for no regrets (especially for questions 16,17 and 18) when I die. :)


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