
Jan 14, 2007 23:11

I guess I spoke too soon. It was one hot flash after another today, some were the nasty prickly variety. *sigh* I did have coffee yesterday, which may have had something to do with it though.
I baked bread today, from scratch. It was a new recipe that I found in a magazine. The loaves look nice, and have great texture, but the molasses taste is a bit strong for Hubby and I. I'll try the recipe again but I'll cut the molasses by two thirds. I have another recipe that calls for the same amount of molasses but it's yield is 6 loaves vice the 2 from todays recipe. This evening I helped Hubby in the basement. I now know why I am in charge of decorating. I SUCK at demolition and construction. It took a lot of effort to pull nails from the wood Hubby is removing.
Tomorrow morning I have a doctors appointment so that my knee can be reevaluated. I receive a small disability pension because I was injured during military training but for a permanently damaged knee that will never be right again I felt it was not enough. I have a pension advocate who will fight the ruling for me. The medical reevaluation is the next step. After that I am turning in the first two pieces of military kit at my unit. Then it's on to battle with the town office where I live. We got our utility bill on Friday and it states that I didn't pay the bill in December. I did, I have proof from the bank and I have a case number to follow up with through my bank. I am going to present my evidence to the town office, tell them I want the penalties removed from the current bill and find out just how much I owe for the past month. I always pay my bills online and have never had a problem before. I am most curious to find out what happened. I was very upset when the bill came in, mostly because I knew that I had paid it, and have never had a bill come in stamped "past due". I take these sort of thing very seriously, maybe too much so but I am rather proud of our excellent credit rating and don't want anything to mess it up. GRRRRRR
Hopefully it will resolved tomorrow, but if not the investigation started by the bank will tell me what happened. It will take a week or two though.

hot flashes

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