another stupid survey...why? I wish I knew too...

Sep 30, 2006 14:21

A B O U T Y O U . . .
[in the morning i am]: sleepy

[all i need is]: time, grades, talent…at the moment anyway

[love is]: troublesome

[if i could see one person right now]: my dad?

[im afraid of]: failing at life, not being able to acheive it all (don't ask what I mean by 'it all' ...I don't know myself)

[i dream about]: people more than objects

H A V E Y O U E V E R . . .

[pictured someone you know naked?]: not deliberately, I don’t think…

[been in love]: not quite.

[cried when someone died]: can’t remember. Maybe, unconsciously?

[drank alcohol]: no unless you count cough syrup (=_=)

[lied]: yes

[coke or pepsi]: pepsi though I don’t see why it matters

[flowers or candy]: flowers die, chocolate makes me happy

W I T H T H E O P P O S I T E S E X . . .

[what do you notice first?]: face/hair? (lol yes I know it’s sad)

[last person you slow danced with]: my date from last year’s formal ball

[worst thing to say]: really depends…

[tall or short]: taller than me but not by too much

W H O . . .

[makes you laugh the most?]: most of my friends are pretty damn funny

[makes you smile]: same as above

[gives you a funny feeling when u see them]: eh…no one?

[has a crush on you?]: none that I’m aware of

[easier to talk to: boys or girls?]: depends. certain boys and certain girls.

H A V E Y O U E V E R . . .

[fallen for your best friend]: not exactly fallen and not exactly best friend

[been rejected]: nope, I never initiate these things anyway.

[used someone]: unconsciously probably

[been cheated on]: sort of...I refuse to make an issue about it any longer

[done something you regret]: yes but then again we learn from our stupid mistakes

W H O W A S T H E L A S T P E R S O N . . .

[you talked to]: my bro

[hugged]: my volunteer supervisor on my last shift today T_T

[you laughed with]: my mom

D O Y O U . . .

[color your hair]: nope

[habla espanol]: nope, though I do wanna learn

A R E Y O U . . .

[smoker]: no, though I will confess that I have thought about it

[obsessive]: rarely

[could you live without the computer?]: probably not *sigh*

[how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: enough, doesn’t matter since I talk to less than 5% regularly

[what's your favorite food?]: seafood, home-cooking! desserts!

[whats your favorite fruit?]: pineapple and strawberries, methinks

[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional obviously

[trust others way too easily?]: trust others hardly at all

F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S . . .

[i want]: to not waste my life doing nothing…though I also wish that the next couple of years wouldn’t look so gloomy

[i wish]: for too many unreasonable things (see above)

[i love]: chocolate, writing, sleep, my computer, my music, my family, my close friends, Ouran at the moment...XD, and much else

[i miss]: the days when life was easy, boys were innocent, and chicken tasted real

[i fear]: dying before I’ve lived to the fullest

[i hear]: …um VOICES! LOTS OF THEM! AHHHHHHHHH! ...I’m lying.

[i wonder]: if I will ever stop wasting my time on stupid things like these…
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