music meme (2008 in retrospect)

Dec 23, 2008 13:52

stolen from cadet

1. What's your first musical memory of 2008?
Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova & the entire Once soundtrack

2. What was this year's summer jam? And winter jam?
summer jam:
Mine: Grand:PM - God Save The Scene; The Dykeenies - Clean up your eyes (& a whole buncha stuff from the 90s)
Everyone else’s: Coldplay - Viva la Vida? (does that even count as a jam? Well, I liked it too)

winter jam:
Mine: Silversun Pickups - Rusted Wheel
Everyone else’s: no idea

3. If your life in 2008 was a musician, which musician would it be?
Mindy White from Lydia. Good God. I want her voice. And her band.

4. Tell me a lyric from this year that meant something to you.
I’m sorry that you came to find
great, great minds
against themselves conspire
-- Patrick Wolf, “To the Lighthouse”

5. What was the most awful thing you saw on a stage this year? And the best thing?
Blah. This was the year I saw nothing on stage.

6. Name the oldest music you got into in 2008.
Moody Blues, Air Supply, Joy Division, Journey, the Smiths (yeah they’re not that old)

7. Your favourite conversation about music this year:
probably regarding my discovery of/obsession with Patrick Wolf!

8. Name one thing you surprised yourself by liking in 2008.
(oh there was more than one) The Killers, Nirvana, Coldplay, MGMT, Editors, Regina Spektor, Straylight Run,

9. Your music wish for 2009 is...?
For Lydia to hold a Canadian tour and actually being able to see them live.

11. Most important record bought in 2008:
I (finally) bought Dizzy Up The Girl by the Goo Goo Dolls. I had all the songs beforehand but I guess it’s a band I really wanted to support.

12. What will be the last music you hear this year?
Probably nothing new since my December playlist is going strong for now and December’s almost over. I usually get into new music when I’m sick of what I have, or when someone throws it upon me.

music, meme

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