
May 17, 2006 18:26

Soooo yesterday I had my lastest lecture ever at Newcaslte Uni ::sniff::  I kinda didnt even realise until I got home; feels like their should have been more of a fanfare about the whole event - end of an era et al.  Then again its not like I really know anyone on my course, or at the university very well.  That makes me a little bit sad; I start conversations with people that never get further than ' god exams nooooes', can't go to the Grad ball b/c have no one to go with and doubt anyone will keep in touch after graduation.  Guess I expected more ... but thats not to say i dont have some good memories so its all good really.

Havent seen any of my friends now for three and a half weeks; I know its exam time - but thats makes me a little sad too.  Must also stop procrastinating on exam revision.  Though to be fair I did spend 3 hours in the library on Monday after going on a wander with Jo to find the building where my first exams going to much of the uni I've not even seen yet heh.  Still slightly concerned about AUT assessment best not interfere with me getting into s/land uni next term *pokes lecturers* s'not students fault your pay sucks.

Went shopping for four hours today and still need something for nana's b/day, mam & dad's anniversary and oh fatherdays too! Gaah am guna be so poor this summer!  That is why i bought the Fantastic Four on dvd...heh *blames tasha for Ioan's purdy face drawing me in*

On a plus note...nana sent me yummy apple pie yesterday and my favourite candy eggs. Yum.
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