Oct 02, 2006 12:35
I really wish I had any idea. Some days I feel like the world is spinning too fast around me and other days I think the world is standing still and I'm the one who's spinning. And then I want to ask when it all got so complicated but I know the answer to that. It's always been like this.
I've kind of been avoiding the computer for no apparent reason. Every time I sit down I feel like I should be doing something more useful, figuring out my life maybe. So that's my excuse for being an awful email corespondent and all. Pathetic, I know!
I definitely need some more avvies here. I'm getting bored by all of mine.
Hmmm. Okay, highlights from the past months in no particular order before I have to go plate some bacteria.
Taking care of kids during the summer and making very nice tips.
Getting a new and, thus far, wonderful flatmate.
Meeting my little brother's history teacher.
Having a dog in our apartment now.
Starting graduate classes.
Getting some exciting lab results.
Getting my new car.
Buying clothes and apartment stuff.
Possibly having some idea of what I'm going to do when I graduate in June.
And now the bacteria is calling my name.
mental debates