I'm watching Rebel Without a Cause, which I've seen before but not in a long, long time. I'd forgotten how clever and classic it is. All those undertones of sexuality, uncertainty, parents and youth...I could go on but I'm sure I'm very boring.
My car is making strange sounds when I brake, so I'm going to have to take it to the shop Saturday. It's done this before, and I think it's just a matter of cleaning something, I don't know what, I am stupid with cars. I just remember last time my stepdad saying something about brake dust or summat. The brakes are working, and I live close to work, so I'm not terribly concerned.
You can imagine my alarm, however, when I heard that odd noise driving home after seeing Brokeback Mountain. I even turned down my Public Enemy CD for a while.
Anyroad, I want feedback on the excerpt I have up on
passing_glimpse...let me know how I can improve what I have for an introduction. Thank you, thank you, a thousand blessings on your house.
(I wish I had cable. I miss The Daily Show.)