Dear Night on Fic Mountain Author,
Thank you for writing something for me! Most of my requests are for single characters that I would be delighted to read almost anything about. I'm open to gen, het, slash and poly, and I've tried to give prompts that cover a variety of genres and tropes. Hopefully whatever your strengths as a writer are, you'll find something in here you'd enjoy doing - or, if not, feel free to ignore all the prompts and write whatever inspires you! Basically, as long as it doesn't include my Do Not Wants, I'll be excited to see it. I love all of these guys, and anything new about them would be amazing.
Likes: Loyalty, hurt/comfort, humour, people being competent, people being derps, bedsharing, holding hands, cuddling, casual touching, caretaking, sharing food, pining, uniforms, D/s, bondage, first times.
DNWs: Character death, gore, bloodplay, watersports, scat.
Ancient History RPF
Mark Antony
I would love basically anything about this man. From humourous accounts of his shenanigans, to an angsty examination of his later depression - any tone is appropriate. If you want to do something shippy (or porny) my main pairings for him are Caesar/Antony, Cleopatra/Antony, Antony/Curio and Antony/Fulvia. I'd also love some gen, either focussed on him and his family, or on his military and political exploits. Lashings of loyalty kink would be appreciated in any scenario, as would hurt/comfort. I just want to see this guy in all his ridiculous glory.
So, I get the impression Antony would really love playing with children - he seems like the type who'd unashamedly throw himself into it, and enjoy it with abandon. And between all of the children that he, Cleopatra and Fulva had between them, there'd have been a lot of opportunity for that. Seeing a little bit of that would be lovely.
Or maybe Antony's own childhood, getting into scrapes with his two younger brothers. Sounds like they were all terrors when they grew up, so what were they like as children? Or show me his relationship with his mother: what was it like when he was young, how did it change as he grew, how much influence did she have over his political agenda? She seems to have been a tough and commanding woman, so it'd be great to see her in the fic.
Shippingwise, some pairings would suit some tropes more than others, but I think banter would be great for any of them. As for kinks, I have to say that Antony reads strongly as a sub to me - but let's face it, he would be an enthusiastic participant in even the most vanilla of couplings. (Or indeed threesomes. Caesar/Cleopatra/Antony and Antony/Fulvia/Curio both seem very relevant.)
Horrible Histories
Blenkinsop, Maltravers
These two are ridiculously adorable and I will always wish for more of them. Whether you want to set it before, during, or after the war, or even go for an AU, I am down for that. Fluff and angst are both great, but please don't kill either one of them off - although permanent injuries are fine. In the (unlikely?) event that you've only offered one of them, you can absolutely write them apart. But if they're both in it, you can totally do gen or shipfic - but while I love their friendship, I also OTP them really hard, so if they're not together please don't pair either of them up with someone else.
I love the thought that these two attended boarding school together. Imagine all the things they could get up to: midnight feasts, helping each other with homework, attempting to play rugby, telling spooky stories... There is a whole genre's worth of boarding school tropes you could dive into, and I'd be delighted to see any of them.
Or, what about their time in the trenches? Could they lean on each other, or did it drive them apart? Or maybe they weren't even posted together - perhaps they had to send letters, or keep diaries. Or perhaps after the war, recovering from their experiences and trying to build new lives for themselves. What would that look like for either one of them?
As innocent as they seem, I would in no way object to porn of them - though I have to admit I have trouble seeing them as anything besides entirely vanilla. But awkward, affectionate, fumbling explorations seem very appropriate for them.
(As a note, if you want to give them first names, my preference is John for Blenkinsop and George for Maltravers.)
The Tempest - Shakespeare
I'm really intrigued by Ariel's status as an air spirit, and the weirdness (from a human perspective) that it results in. His reactions to events and way of processing the world, as well as his seemingly different experience of time and memory, are some things I'd love to see explored. I ship him with Prospero, but I'm just as interested in him as an individual. Fluff, angst, porn, introspection - I will take anything at all. Feel free to set it on the island or elsewhere as appropriate.
While I use male pronouns for Ariel, there's no reason that his people's concepts of sex and gender have to be anything like ours. Ariel could be male, female, intersex, bigender, agender... Anything at all. You could use that in the context of gen, with Ariel contemplating himself, or in the context of Prospero/Ariel.
If you do delve into shipping, it's fine to acknowledge the power imbalances in his relationship with Prospero. While I think there is affection there ("do you love me, master? no?" "dearly, my delicate Ariel") it doesn't have to be entirely healthy or romantic. But of course this could be different once Ariel is no longer in his service.
For gen interactions, I'd like seeing Ariel's opinion of Miranda. Did he ever reveal himself to her without Prospero's knowledge? Or use his powers to interact with her without revealing himself? Perhaps he used to entertain little Miranda with beautiful rainbows, or singing breezes.
Or, quite simply, where does he go and what does he do after the play ends?
World of Warcraft
Anduin Wrynn
I mainly play Horde, but Anduin is the kind of just plain decent person I can't help but love. His forgiving nature, his patience, his interest in learning, and his ability to see things as more than just black-and-white all appeal to me. (Also, the fact that his teenage rebellion comes in the form of training as a priest and trying to bring about world peace!) My main ship for him is Anduin/Wrathion, but I'd also love to see some gen interactions with a lot of other characters, particularly the Horde leaders. Or you could take a look at his childhood, or jump forwards to when he's king.
Is there such a thing as kindness kink? I'd just really like to see Anduin being nice to people, whether that's during complicated diplomatic discussions, times of war and famine, or just trying to politely disagree with his father. Or maybe you could show him treating the sick while learning to use his healings powers, or any other part of his priest training. What is his relationship like with his mentors?
For times from his childhood, what was it like when his father was missing? What did he think about having to rely on Lady Katrana Prestor? (And what does he think about that time nowadays?) How difficult was it to adjust once his father returned? Those events seem like they would've left a mark on him.
I'd also be interested in futurefic, seeing how Anduin develops along the road. Presumably at some point Anduin will become king - will he find the moral questions more difficult once he's in charge? Or, from a more slice-of-life perspective, what is his average day like? Or maybe the situation in Azeroth deteriorates such that he doesn't become king after all...