So I'm getting out of the shower this weekend, and I look up to behold that the ceiling in my bathroom has taken on the wrinkledness of a prune.
"That can't be good," I think to myself, so of course I call in the roomie and the house-guests, you know, just to make certain that I haven't got my contacts in the wrong eyes and/or have started seeing things again.
What does Iri do? Reaches up and pokes the ceiling with a finger.
Two things happen at this point; first, the drywall of the ceiling gives like so much sponge cake, and second, his fingernail flakes out a bit of the paint (which had apparently been bubbling, I'm just too short to see), revealing disconcerting amounts of BLACK MOLD above.
We got on the phone with maintenance that instant, despite the fact that it was a Saturday, and wonder of wonders! they actually came out to check on it within the hour. They cut a 3' x 3' square out of my ceiling, removing the soggy portion and all its nasty mold spores with it, and peered up into the gaping hole to discover the reason for all the wet:
The pipes that run the hot water from the water heater into the air conditioning unit, which is housed above a metal panel in the ceiling of my bathroom, had corroded something awful, and the corrosion had done its worst on the control valve. It had begun leaking, and no one knows how long it's been leaking for, but considering the water content in the ceiling, I'm willing to bet that it's been a while.
The maintenance guy said that he'd never seen it happen before in any of the other apartments in the complex. Lucky me. XP
So, Saturday night they cut a hole into my ceiling, and then told us that they wouldn't be able to get the plumbers out to work on it until Monday or Tuesday. It turned out to be Tuesday, so yesterday I come home at work to find shiny silvery speckles all over my bathroom.
Turned out that in the process of removing and replacing the control valve, they'd dripped silver sautering residue all over my floor. And all over the wall. And the bathroom door, and the closet door, and the counter. And the mirror. I even found splashes of silver on the shower curtain, and on the toilet paper!! It was everywhere; I couldn't believe it!
So maintenance told me that they'd come back to replace the linolium and repaint the walls that got damaged.
And there's still a yawning hole in my ceiling, because they haven't replaced the drywall up there yet.
Grand. I'm not gonna have a bathroom for a month.
> <;