Dec 07, 2003 21:52
"hello Audrey"
"oh hi mom"
"how are you "
"fine, mom.... i think my birth control shot is making me gain weight"
"Audrey when you come home you're going to have to get car insurance becuase you're not going to be covered by ours anymore"
"mom... i think my birth control shot is making me gain weight"
"Ok... well... so what"
"Mom..that's BAD!"
"Audrey, before you were really skinny and now you've gained a little weight... i don't know what to tell you, you have an eating disorder"
I already have been having my own eating problems lately... like my eating has increasinbly been becoming a problem for me... and it's starting to be really a negative thing for me again... and I have to hear about it from my mom too. As if it's not enough that i cry about it myself. YES.. i've been gaining weight from my birth control shot.. but i don't know if it's because of that. i HATE my body. I FUCKING HATE IT.. i'm getting fat again.. seriously.. like i don't have a cute and curvy body it's just fat and thick all around like SUPER UGLY STYLE. Like i'm embarrassed to wear my clothes because my stomach sticks over.. nothing looks good on me.. my own clothes make me feel like shit.. because i know i look like shit. I dont' want to see some of my friends who i haven't seen for awhile because i know the thought.. "oh.. she's gained some weight" is going to go through their minds... and it SUCKS.. i HATE IT SO MUCh.. i HATE that i've gained weight.. i HATE that i never physically feel good.. i hate that i don't like the way i look.. i HATE that i feel helplessly fat and ugly... i HATE the way i feel.. like a plain and simple fat makes me so angry... and whats worse is the CONSTANT fight with my mind. i fucking HATE being me sometimes and i am SO JEALOUS of girls who are skinny.. i'm SO JEALOUS of girls who are beautiful and they know it... and people tell them AL THE TIME. I hate that i'm not beautiful too.