Jun 23, 2009 00:43

I've decided to upload the notes from our meetings so you guys can know EXACTLY what is going on.


Monthly Meeting
April 8, 2009
4:30 - 8:00pm


Pam Barba
Renee Fouquet
Christine Bolt
Janet Mitchell

Discussion, decisions, assignments

1. - Identification
* Discussion - how foundation is going to be related to Life Link and Georgia Transplant foundation.
* Decision to meet with representatives of both foundations to seek a way to work in partnership with Life Link and GTF.

2. - Mission Statement
*Discussion- Mission Statement - foundations focus
a) Awareness
*Decision - First draft for mission statement - "Enhancing life through organ and tissue transplantation awareness, education and support.

3.- Name
(Name) Live On (Tagline) Share the love of life ** We later shortened this to "live on, share life" but I think that was only because of the domain name dilemma, which tag line are we going with?**

4. - Officer Appointments
Christine Bolt -President & Co-Founder
Janet Mitchell - Vice-President & Co-Founder
Renee Fouquet - Treasurer & Co-Founder
Pam Barba - Secretary & Co-Founder

5. Assignments For 5/13/09 Meeting
Christine Boldt -
*Buy domain name
*Call Kathy
*Look into charitable solicitation law requirements
*Call Patt - Tell her what we are doing & Set up appointment
Janet Mitchell -
*Find notes & paperwork
*Look up classes & workshops
*Talk to Bobby Howard (Lifelink)
Renee Fouquet
*Get tax ID
*Research budget info
*Work on logo with Pam
Pam Barba
*Work on logo
*Research colors
*Look up Lifelink & GTC

Additional items - Fund raising ideas
*Jewelry etc. Parties - takes little to no money to do
*Collect pennies
*Collect soda can tabs

Email ( with additions or corrections to these minutes.


Monthly Meeting
May 13, 2009
4:30 - 8:00pm


Pam Barba
Renee Fouquet
Christine Boldt
Janet Mitchell

Discussion, decisions, assignments

1. - Reviewed April minutes & Assignments
* Discussion - A review of decisions made in previous meetings. Went over individual assignments.

2. - Name
*Discussion- Ideas and changes to name of foundation, tagline, and domain name.
*Decision - Live On - Share Life >

3.- Foundation Funds
*Discussion - How to collect funds for foundation continuously and efficiently.
*Decision - Current officers and certain other people will be asked to donate money for each monthly meeting. Officers must donate at least $25 for each meeting.

4. - Reviewed logo

5. Assignments For 6/23/09 Meeting
Christine Boldt -
*Register as a non-profit (EIN)
*Domain nae
*Confirm appointment with GTC
*501c3 Research
*Talk to Zach about possible donation
Janet Mitchell -
*Find student for website
Renee Fouquet -
*Get name copyrighted
*Research budget info
*Start new blog
Pam Barba -
*Work on logo
*Talk to girls about money donations
*Set up Twitter

Additional items - Fund raising ideas
*Memorial event - with a focus on donor families

Email ( with additions or corrections to these minutes.


Tomorrow we are meeting with the Georgia Transplant Foundation people. (I'm not exactly sure who they are)
But we are going to speak with them about our foundation and we are hoping to get their support.
We are also meeting afterwards to discuss everything and work on the logo some more.
So far the colors for the logo are black, white and a mulberry red. ( I talked them out of bright red, it seemed too Hot Topic)
I will show you some logo samples once we have finalized it a bit more.
I promise to share everything with you guys.

Don't forget the event this Friday. I think I am going to go by the dollar store and find us (whoever is coming) some festive things to wear :)

Also We are meeting tomorrow and we are going to start collecting money asap. If you have anything ready that's great, if not we are taking donations for every meeting. (I have to donate 25$ every meeting)

Please get involved with everything. We've been sort of a mess lately but Christine and I are getting fed up with that, so look out.
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