(no subject)

Dec 18, 2008 00:32

So I got back a couple days ago from being underway for 16 days. We stopped in San Diego for a few hours, just enough time to get off the boat and go to the NeX for food...I was deathly afraid of seeing Brett there. Since I broke up with him he is overly bitter towards me and its better that we not have any kind of contact with eachother for a long time. or until he stops being a big baby about everything. Blah. Anyways, I didn't see him, but I did see his friends which was scary  enough! Then later in the ocean at night we had a fuel leak and some room got flooded with jp-5 jet fuel up to 5ft. deep. haha. No smoking for a whole day. That was kind of scary...then that jet that landed on that house in Cali was from our ship (although it was a Marine pilot, not navy.)...then on our way home the ocean was so rocky that we were in threat con Delta (the second time since the fuel leak) ha DELTA is bad because to me D = death. Anyways, then we finally got home safe. haha. More shit happened in 16 days than during my 4 months of deployment.

OH so this new guy Ive been talking too for about a week and a half now has a girlfriend and I just found out about it today. How can guys be so dumb. He didnt even make his myspace page private and its posted on there. what an IDIOT.  when I asked him if he was lying to me he said "No what are you talking about" ...the ONE thing I didnt want to hear, because it was a complete insult. but then he texted back saying " To be honest with you I did blah blah blah we are fighting dont know what we are now blah blah" so I told him he can talk to me when he figures his shit out because Im not fucking around with someone who is taken. DAMMIT. hes so damn hot and apparently hes had this huge crush on me since I got here and I used to hate him because he would give me shit for being new.  fuck his little emo glasses and tattoos. and he looks like the guy from smallville.

I got my wisdom teeth taken out during out little underway btw. and they only gave me 12 vicodine. That was alot of bullshit...but they did get to put me to sleep! it was fantastic. I kept trying to wake up tho and would flicker my eyes open...then theyd give me more and id pass back out haha...i wasnt fully awake but i remember one of the doctors letting me sqeeze his hand during oneof my little awakenings. it made me feel really comforted.....

having your wisdom teeth taken out is a blessing in disquise because I can now fit into this dress i bought ove ra year ago even tho it was too tight/small...yeah i put it on today and it FITS. I might wear it for new years...since dec1st   ive been eating nothing but salads and tuna salads because the food on the ship is, not kidding, the shittiest food Ive ever seen or eaten. It wasnt so bad on deployment, I dont know how it got like this since then.......so I was forced to go to the salad bar everyday for every meal because it was the safest choice..then my teeth got taken out and i could eat nothing but pudding and yogurt for about 4 days.

lately for some reason Ive been listening to alot of mae...'this time is the last time' has really good melodies...but 'Giving it away' was my song to brett and I cant listen to it anymore, it just makes me angry haha...even tho I really have no reason to be angry.

oh tomorrow is the command wide christmas party for everett naval station! Its going to be at this big ass casino/resort here...I dont have a dress or ANYTHING to wear yet, im going tomorrow morning to the mall with my friend kevin who needs something to wear too....Im excited, alot of people I know are going. they sold 2500 tickets from our ship alone(theres only like 3 other ones here anyways, and we're the biggest one. this is a tiny tiny base). AND on new years eve Im going to see DeVotchka in seattle. paid 50$ total with fees from ticketmaster, the ticket shouldve only been 35$ without fees. faggot ass ticketmaster. That boy I was talking about before was going to go with me and we were going to spend the night in seattle together, but I guess thats not happening....I really liked him. we even had the same birthday. haha.

Im going underway again in mid jan. till mid. feb.

i got a barracks room btw. its a completely luxury when compared to having to live on the ship! Im lucky to have gotten one, there isnt enough for everyone. its a seniority thing mostly...

THATS ALL!!!!!!!

i get to go to sleep at 330am and then be at work by 730am. hopefully after muster we can leave like at 830am (4 day weekend)
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