Feb 28, 2004 09:20

aes·thet·ic or es·thet·ic (s-thtk) adj.

1. Of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste.
2. Characterized by a heightened sensitivity to beauty.
3. Artistic.
4. Informal. Conforming to accepted notions of good taste.

This is a photography journal. This is not where I will be placing my innermost thoughts. That would be done in my personal journal. Please do not ask questions about my personal life in here. You may ask questions pertaining to my photography and only my photography. Do not take any of my pictures and claim them as your own. If you have a reason why you would care to use a picture of mine, please ask my permission and only use it if I give you my permission. Thank you.

This journal is FRIENDS ONLY.
Comment to be added.
