Keep starting rambling journal entries with the intention of posting them, and they keep getting away or being abandoned for having lost relevance. Before this one suffers the same fate, as it is in strong danger of, I shall morph it into a bullet point list of what is going on in my life currently.
The government is trying to balance the budget by clawing back money from welfare recipients, so they contacted me to the effect of claiming I owe them more than $900 from 2012.
Filed an appeal - luckily I had all my payslips still - but since that information is in my favour rather than theirs they're taking a couple of weeks to get back to me, instead of instantaneous like before.
Done so badly at university this year they're kicking me out.
Filed an appeal on that too, and also waiting on the response.
Gathering information for that appeal meant collecting psych assessments my GP had been holding onto from several years back, and reading those was so distressing it nearly rendered me too non-functional to actually attach them and lodge the appeal
Plus it wasn't fun getting the vibe from my GP when I explained the situation, though he didn't say so, “you're a bit childish and TBH you deserve this”
I wasn't kidding in what I wrote in that appeal about struggling at work. Feels like I'm reaching or have reached limits of what I can balance and focus. Which might be okay if it paid me enough to support myself on.
Car's cost me $900 in repairs over the past week, and I'm passing on another $1500+ that it needs in favour of admitting it really does need to be replaced, although this will cost even more.
I just can't get out of here soon enough to feel comfortable taking the risk.
The book I'm reading is good though.
I'm scared, always. Still trying not to let myself think, to keep that at bay.
I hope
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