Sep 09, 2010 22:04
Well, the wood floors were completely destroyed.
Zonk & the flood people (that should be a band) took out the parquet in the living room and hallway last night starting at midnight. And I went straight to sleep. I mean, burningman prepared me for sleeping through stuff like that! (and complete physical, mental and emotional exhaustion).
A good portion of our house is now black mastic. I hear black mastic is the new bamboo, right?
Er, anyhow, we're picking out laminate to replace it. We have a barnraising day coming up, but we have a heckuvalot of work to do now including putting in new floors, baseboards & digging some trenches outside. We're paying at least a couple grand just to dry the place out (and right after some major car repairs and burning man) so friend labor will be a huge help.
We're not sure about the timing, since we're not sure if we'll need to order laminate or be able to find good cheap stuff in stock, but in the next few weeks we'll definitely put out a big call for help.
I'm envisioning that many friends will come and help us out, I'll make tasty food, and we'll all sing songs like "I'll get by with a little help from my friends" and "lean on me". Because if we can put together comfort in the desert and communities in the poison ivy, we can put my living room back together after a little flood, right?