Nov 27, 2007 15:49
so. part the first: Kellyness.
Kelly and I are doing quite well for those who dont know. I asked her on our 6 month anniversary to handfast to me on our one year, and she agreed. When we're a bit closer, ill be inviting people, but it will be small, so if you arent invited, dont get mad. There will likely be a party after, and there will be many more invites to that. So, suffice it to say that I love her dearly, and our relasionship is stable and happy. I don't think this has ever happened to me before, really. Certainly not for this long. I'll probly gush about her some more soon enough, but for now, onto less pleasant things. Also: we will be test running cohabitating for her winter break, and again for some of summer break. Hooray extended kelly time for all!
Job: I need a new one. This one is ending soon, and the cost of travel is becoming a bit too much for me. In addition, I have had to face the sad fact that I will no longer be able to weld for a living. The repetetive motion disorder in my arms is too crippling, and the damage to my lungs and immune system is become... unpleasant. Enough to keep me out of work nearly one day in six. Those of you who know me know how serious this is, and how sad it makes me to know welding will never again be more than a hobby, and that it will be quite some time before even that will be possible. Still, I'm alive, and will likely be well again soon enough.
i think thats all for now. peace, and be well.