more drive-home revelations.

Jan 08, 2009 04:04

i was thinking today about EMP and realized that if we keep heading simultaneously towards green tech (mostly solar) and towards non-silicon (likely optical) computing, we may well cease to have to even consider its possibilities. pondering how to make the power generation systems EMP proof led to the idea of powering communications via DIRECT solar. i mean, once we go optical, is simply a matter of collecting, filtering, and then modulating the sunlight. of course night would be an issue... if we hadn't already discovered a light slowing material, which I've already been thinking of as an "optical capacitor" for some time (and explaining it that way, too, on occasion) with a delay rating of about 1 hour per 10 feet as currently made (it was done so quite deliberately, for demonstration purposes) we only have to increase it to 12 hours/1 foot (which seems well within CURRENT means, form what the devolping scientist said) and voila! constant beam, no electricity required, laser for comm. totally green as it could be.

more on this later. just wanted to get it down before i forgot it.
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