Sep 16, 2006 08:26
I believe my translation client may be psychic. Every single time I've had enough and am on the verge of writing him an email to tell him I'm done and to find someone else he emails me and tells me how valuable and important I am to his company. And to me praise and recognition is better than money, of course I'm always happy when it is accompanied with more money as well. So here I am with another translation job due in two weeks and trying to readjust my attitude towards translating. Granted, it is hard dry work, but it pays, I can do it from home, and my client is a very nice man. I think the real issue is that between my thesis, translating, and Rayn, I have very little time to be creative and being creative keeps me alive. It is the very air I breathe. I feel alive, right, and good when I am creating something beautiful.
Today I am mainly working on my thesis and translation work. I'm glad Jello is home. I've missed him this week and am happy to have him and Rayn about. Just their voices and their presence soothes my heart. Last night Jello informed me that he thinks I am an amazing Mother, that he is so grateful to have me raising his son and that he wouldn't have it any other way. Those words made my week. I am a lucky woman to have my family.
I'm off to finish my cup of coffee, take a bath, and start working for the day. All I have to do is work on my thesis, work on my translation job, and clean house. That's not so bad! ;)