Meme: Quirks / Qualities

Feb 11, 2010 20:30

Dammit, I've been playing GURPS for years but kan't recall how these are called... quirks and...? Whatever, downfall35 tagged me to do this meme-thingy. So, well, I'll do it knowing nobody's gonna read it anyway ;)

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".

1. Although I love languages I am only able to speak German and English. I know a bit French, Latin, Gaelish, Sindarin and Klingon. I often take titles for my stories from other languages because... I just like the sound of what I want to say in that particular language better than in the one I am writing.

2. I've seen a lot of thing. I am still not afraid.

3. I love to help people. I really *love* to help or make someone happy. If you know me chance is I've already done something for you. I know it's dumb but I regularly promise people to do things that make me struggle afterwards with everything else I am supposed to do. I not only give away food to homeless people but I've given a mother of two children I met on the street clothes and toys for her kids because she had no money to get them things for christmas - I don't even know her name or where she was from but I know it helped her.

4. I am very good at reading people. I just need to see a person and know her/his personality. I know if you are honest or not. I know if you are playing me.

5. I'm good at leading people. Telling them wat to do without ordering. It's kind of leading them towards what I want them to do out of 'Free Will'.

6. i am not good around people - now you might think 'Huh? But she wrote above...' - Well, I am not good at smalltalk or entertaining people when I am not on a stage. Because I am shy. Really shy. I am the one sitting alone in the corner the entire party and leaving a 10pm to read a book at home.

7. I know a lot of stuff. A lot. But there is no science I know enough of that I would consider my self educated. It's frustrating to know too much to talk to the average person about things but not enough to talk to - for example a astrophysicist about black holes or super strings. I'm a very strange person. I've started with quantum physics at a age of 7, paleozoology was my hobby at 9,... I am not going to elaborate this list further it would get too long. But I think you catch the point.

Now I have to tag another 7 persons... hm... I don't think there is actually anybody reading this but it would be nice to know stuff like that about...  vankoss , citizencandy , mangacat and the first 4 people who reply to this post  (I know, I'm a nosy person - that would have been #8 on my list :)

boring rl stuff nobody wanna know, non-fiction, meme

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