Vi veri veniversum vivus vici 11/?

Dec 30, 2009 15:49

AN: This chapter contains spoilers up to 5.10!
Dean heard the familiar flutter of wings and turned slowly, not entirely sure what to expect. Perhaps Cas had somehow managed to finally get Bobby and himself here, too? Perhaps it was just a really huge bird? Of course it had to be the worst possible option.

"Zachariah." There was enough venom in Dean's voice to poison half of South Dakota's population at least twice. Or all of them once? However he had to fight hard not to spit that douche in the face.

"Hello, Dean. You and your brother are hard to find nowadays."

"Well, it just depends on who is looking for us."

The angel smiled his smug I-know-something-that-you-don't-know smile and made a point to look at their surroundings. "South Dakota... You are so predictable. All I had to do was have one single little angel watch over this area and voilà! There you are."

"Well, I'm not here to talk." Dean grumbled and started to walk towards Bobby's property again.

Suddenly there was something preventing him to take another step. At the same moment he heard Zachariah's voice from behind, "But I am. And therefore you will stay, too."

It didn't take long for him to come to the conclusion that resistance was futile - angels were even more annoying than the Borg - so he turned to the still smiling dick. "Hurry up, I've got other places to be, Zach."

The only sign of the angel's disapproval of the nickname was a minimal narrowing of his eyes. "Then let's come to the point, shall we? You, Dean, are the Righteous Man, as you already know. And you are needed to stop Lucifer. Not from rising because that obviously has already happened, but from walking free, winning this war, raising all of Hell and destroying your precious Earth for ever."

"Last thing I heard was that you dicks wanted him free so you could have your great showdown. The destruction of this planet and all human beings just collateral damage. So why do you suddenly need me and why should I believe your claim not to want our entire civilization in ruins?"

"Oh, Dean. You misunderstood..." Zachariah's voice was full of pity, explaining something obvious to a very dumb child, even more patronizing than before. "I never said we want your stupid little civilization to survive. I just said we do not want for Hell to reign for all eternity here on Earth. Of course while we fight there will be collateral damage, that's just how war works. But afterwards, there will be Paradise. And you will help us to ensure that this is what is going to happen. We need all of the archangels down on this precious plane to fight against Lucifer and his hell spawn. And not all of them have taken their vessels, yet."

Dean turned pale. Was Zachariah implying what he thought? The hunter felt himself turning cold suddenly and the world around him fading a bit as the angel nodded.

"You are Michael's vessel. You will stop it. You just have to give your consent so he can take you and defeat Lucifer once and for all."

"I'm not..."

"Oh, believe me, you are! There are ways and means to..."

Suddenly there was another voice. Male, too but also different. Speaking a language Dean couldn't identify. As he spun around to confront the newcomer there was a flash of light next to him so bright that he had to shield his eyes. When Dean was able to blink again Zachariah was gone. Still the hunter was not alone. There was a body of a young man on the ground, a puddle of dark red blood forming quickly next to a second man. Older than Dean, thin dark hair, expensive black three-piece suit, exquisite shoes and a maroon shirt with dark silvery tie. He looked at Dean who suddenly felt a shiver running down his spine. A demon. And not just an ordinary one judging by the aura of power surrounding him.

"Hello, Dean," he said with a thick British accent, mischief sparkling in his brown eyes as he tucked away a golden dagger and pulled an embroidered handkerchief out of his pockets to wipe away the blood that was staining his right hand. "I am afraid we don't have enough time for formalities. He won't be gone long. Is there any place I could drop you off? Preferably somewhere that's less likely to be infested by the Heavenly Twits?"

"Who the fuck are you?!" the hunter growled ready to attack with his bare hands.

"Name's Crowley. Nice to meet you too."

"Aziraphale here, too?"

"No, I'm afraid he's just a product of some author's fertile imagination. So if we now could please stop talking bloody bollocks and start actually doing something!"

Dean jerked at the sudden outburst and just nodded shell-shocked. A demon that had only just rescued him from an angel. Just as he'd thought his day couldn't get any weirder...


"Oh, look what the cat dragged in! A senile hunter and a retarded angel - or was it renegade?" one of the demons hollered mockingly as they entered the church. Although Castiel had finished warding the build against his kin, the salt lines hadn't been completed in time. He was sure he hadn't got enough energy left to exorcise them all quick enough before they could hurt Bobby or the Pater and both humans were too far away for him to reach and transport away in a timely manner. Castiel straightened his form and called out to take precautions before he proceeded to burn those demons from the face of the earth.

Agony, then everything just vanished.


Thankfully the priest didn't question Bobby as he hollered at him to cover his eyes. He really did not want another person to have his eyes burnt out by the Angel accidentally. However, the sensation of hot and searing light sweeping over them didn't come. Instead he heard the ringleader laugh: "As I said - retarded!"

When Bobby opened his eyes again the first thing he saw was the slightly shivering body of Castiel, curled up into a ball on the floor surrounded by demons. The second thing he noticed was the slightly blue priest gasping for air pressed against a wall just a few feet to his left.

"So you're bothering the injured or innocent now? How brave. Afraid an old hunter like me would kick your asses?!"

That made all three heads turn his way. So, now that he had their attention he should hurry up with this plan of his. Unfortunately he first had to come up with any kind of plan at all...

Chapter 12

castiel, vi veri veniversum vivus vici, season 5, h/c, supernatural, dean, crowley, sam, fanfiction

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